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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Tom R. Fleeman


I know some of you use this company. I just signed up a week or two ago.I am finding it takes forever to upload my photos. I uploaded (298) photos and it took about 4-4 1/2 hours to upload. They say it could be for alot of reasons. I know that but I also still have my old company for a while, (Photreflect) and the same folder took about 4-5 minutes. Please let me know how your dealings with this company are going. I have to say I like everything else about them though. I have already had (10) 8 x 10 photos processed through Mpix and they were wonderful, even better than I hoped for. Thanks for your time.


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December 12, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Tom,
It depends on the file size and Zen is limited to 25MB per image. I used to upload the largest .tif files staying just below 25MB but have since started using full sized jpegs which will print 56 inch prints at 1/2 the size as the 25MB .tif files. It still takes a while but I can usually upload 100 just under 1 hour depending on how fast my connection is at the time I am uploading.
Its still slow but I usually do this when I am not working on my MAC and can shut everything down so that the only thing running is the upload.
I have sold a few 24 x 36 inch prints and they look fantastic with no complaints from my customers.
Hope this helps,

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December 12, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton,
Thanks that is what I wanted to hear. You always have the answer. I am glad you are here to get answers to questions. I do have one more question if you have the time. I look at my photos and alot are ok, but they just don't look as clear and bright as most other's I see online, that crisp sharp I am right there looking at it now look. Do you think my photos are just not good or not focused or something in my system or post processing. Thanks for your time.


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December 13, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Tom,
I dont see your images but will tell you that I took as many Photoshop classes here at BP as I did exposure, technique & creative shooting classes. I still need to refine my touch but figure this will be an ever evolving process as my tastes change while my abilities improve:) Lately all I have been doing for editing is using the 1st page of ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) in PS CS5. I start with White Balance/Exposure and work my way down the page and then sometimes a small adjust on the next tab for Curves. Thats usually all I do as my images come out of my 5D Mk II looking great if I have correct exposure and sharp focus. I also use all L lenses which are worth their weight in gold :)
Ansel Adams was a darkroom master which is often overlooked by many people. He would spend a lot of time & effort on an image and often said "its not a photograph until you see the print".
If you feel you need to improve your technique or editing abilities, BP has a lot of great classes to get you where you want to be. I have taken lots of classes and loved everyone of them.
Hope this helps,

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December 13, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
Carlton here is one to compare with one of your crisp, sharp photos. Thanks


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December 13, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
Carlton here is one to compare with one of your crisp, sharp photos. Thanks


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December 13, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton,
I am at work right now, I see my photo didn't come through. I will try again when I get home. Thanks


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December 14, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
  not sharp enough
not sharp enough

Tom R. Fleeman

Look at this photo why is it not super sharp like I see online all the time.

Thanks Tom

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December 17, 2011

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