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Photography Question 

Beverly A. Burke

Tethered Shooting

I have recently been asked to take Santa pet photos as a fundraiser. I do have two stobes with umbrellas, although I have not used in several years. I mostly do landscape images. My question is how I can set up for tethered shooting on that day, so that clients can look at the photos on my laptop and choose which one they would like. I have a mac laptop, although PS is not on my laptop. I would like to have the images recorded on my camera's card as well as on the laptop since I will be working on the images on another computer. I shoot with the Canon 5d Mark11 and am wondering if it is possible to set up so that images can be viewed either in iphoto or on canon's software. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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November 11, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Beverly,
1st you must have the cable to connect your camera to the Mac and then I believe the Canon Software will work best for live viewing. I will be doing the same thing in 3 weeks and also printing images on site. I will do a trial setup this weekend at home in case I run into trouble so I will have time to work out any bugs.
Another photographer told me he uses OnOne software for tethering but I dont have this software.
Hopefully someone who does this regularly will chime in and I will reply again once I do my test.
Use a white balance card (target) and set your custom white balance in the 5D2 at the shoot. This will get accurate colors at capture and will save you time editing.

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November 11, 2011


Beverly A. Burke
Thanks for your response. I plan to work out the tethering and lighting setup, practicing first in my home and then practicing at the setting prior to the shoot. I am hoping that the Canon image browsing software does work with tethered shooting and allows viewing. I wasn't planning to print onsite. What type of printer will you be using? I would need one that prints 8x10. Using a white balance card is a good idea - something that I don't usually do. I have a lot of practicing to do! Let me know how your trial works out. I hope to trial also this weekend.

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November 11, 2011

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Beverly, I shot Santa photos last year for charity and will again this year. Think again about tethered shooting. Santa shooting is very assembly line. If you have people in line, plus customers looking at them on your laptop you could easily get overwhelmed. You also have to worry about the parents that don't like anything and want you to shoot them again. Let the customer trust you so print them the best photo.

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November 12, 2011


Beverly A. Burke
  Dennis - I was thinking about just shooting and not worrying about looking at images on the computer - but in my reading various articles and comments, I found that many photographers do shoot tethered. It adds a complicating factor, having the computer near the camera and then checking and having people pick their images. Not sure which I will do. I appreciate everyone's input.

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November 13, 2011

- Erica Murphy

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Erica Murphy
Erica Murphy's Gallery
  I agree with Dennis 100%.

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November 14, 2011

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  I want to print and frame Erica's response. I don't think I've ever seen that. :)

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November 14, 2011

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