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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 
- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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New kind of camera

Check out this new kind of camera
New technology, good and bad thing?

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October 24, 2011

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
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Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  If it works as advertized it is a very interesting new technology. It could help a lot of people take better (well, sharper) photos.
I know I messed up some promissing photos with bad focus. Sometimes you just don't have the time to set everything right and auto focus can get confused. Think action or wildlife photography.
That said, it is just a tool and what you do with it is another thing. Can't really think of anything bad about it.

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October 24, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Greg,
I read about this camera back in June and their interactive website is fun to play with as you can change the focus from a flower in the foreground to the person behind the flower in the background but I could never get them both in focus at the same time. Maybe they have fixed this but I still would have to try it myself. is the site.

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October 24, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Wasn't too serious about it being bad. I bet it's the same thing that I've seen in a movie that's been around for a while, it can interpret what it should look like based on edges. Maybe it's become faster. Like reversing a gaussian blur. I wonder how much detail it can actual create in something originally out of focus.
But I've come across so many photographers already arrogant enough about a lot of things and reading about it, I can just see some of them telling how good they did while just pointing in the general direction while keeping the button down. Adding focus later.

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October 24, 2011

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  I'd love to learn a bit more about how it is done (anybody?) and then play with it. It would be great if you could get it all in focus or choose your DOF in retrospect. That could really change the way we take photos.
One bad thing does come to mind: great photographs would still be great photographs, but we would hear a lot of rants from old school purists that would claim that it's not "real" photography. Remember film vs. digital or manual focus vs. auto focus? Technology won each time.

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October 25, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Lytro article from Chase Jarvis...

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October 26, 2011

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