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Photography Question 

Pat Harry

Cooler weather = outdoor shooting again!

What a miserable, miserable summer here in north Texas. We endured more 100+ days this year than any year in history. Thursday of this week we even hit 100. But today is 85, last weekend was was under 100, and that should be our trend for a while now. I'm venturing outside again for new photo opportunities! Finally.

The only good thing I can say about the miserable summer is that it gave me time to learn and practice post-processing skills, since I had only existing photos to work with. And I came to realize that I was really lacking in this area. I still am - but I'm better now than I was at the end of May.

Happy fall! :)

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October 01, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Pat,
We had 114 days of 100+ in 1980 (in a row). I lived in North Dallas at that time.
This is one of the good things about digital photography, if the weather is not good for shooting, you can still be productive by processing and doing some fun editing experiments inside :)
Well, I am of to shoot a friend playing down the street in Issaquah, Wa at Salmon Days fest - and its raining but not too hard. Sometimes you just have to brave the elements and get out to shoot anyway.
Love in Light & rain & snow &...

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October 01, 2011


Lynn R. Powers

If you are really lacking in post-processing skills that makes me a scribbler. :-)

You do just FINE. I wanna be as good when I grow up.


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October 01, 2011


Bob Cammarata
  Autumn is the best time to be afield!
The vibrant colors and haze-free skies help to bring our landscapes alive.
Best of all, the chilly nights temporarily immobilize the cold-blooded critters...making them much easier to shoot.
When it's cold outside, it's easy to add layers to stay warm.
When it's's just HOT, no matter what you do!

During typical summers here in the East, we have oppressive heat AND humidity. Our only option is to start shooting early and head home before the heat of the day is at its peak.

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October 02, 2011


Pat Harry
  Bob - I agree - cold is easier, just bundle up. I'll take cold anytime over hot.

Carlton, I endured the summer of '80, too. We've had more 100+ days this year than we had in 80, but the average temp for the summer may have been higher in 80. I know we had two back-to-back days of 113 degrees.

I just hope we wait another 31 years before we do it again. :)

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October 03, 2011


Pat Harry
  And Lynn, thanks for your kind comments. I think you are a little too generous, though, but I'll take it. :)

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October 03, 2011

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