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Photography Question 

Mary Iacofano


My computer must of had an update. Now I cannot drag and drop from a picture file or zoom browser canon utility to cs5. I used to be able to. now I have to go to the picture file, right click and select open with cs5. very time consuming since I cant open multiple files. any suggestions? must be a setting somewhere.


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September 19, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Mary,
You should be able to set your default program to open all image files in CS5. I am not a PC person but if you click & "open with" and select CS5 - you should be able to see what the default is selected for & change the "Default" setting to CS5.This should over-ride whatever update that changed the setting.
It may be something different but give this a try and see if it works :)
Hope this helps,

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September 20, 2011


Mary Iacofano
  Thanks Carlton, I get what you say, but when I have my picture file open or canon zoom browser Raw open, I want to drag the image to ps. last week I was able to, now I am not. I can right click and open, but since I shoot only raw, I want to see the image in canons raw utility before I open, then drag.

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September 20, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Mary,
I had a friend that preferred the Canon RAW utility until he upgraded to CS3 a couple of years ago, then he stopped using Canon and just uses Bridge/Photoshop-CS3 ACR to work on his images. I only use Bridge/CS5 to view & edit and haven't used my Canon software in several years. Bridge-CS5 work seamlessly but when you start using another program, it wouldn't surprise me if problems didn't occur.
Does the Zoombrowser have any advantages over Bridge ? I like the view options in Bridge myself.
Maybe someone else will chime in with a solution :)

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September 20, 2011

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