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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Carolyn M. DAlessandro

Turning Off the Camera?

I am curious if you shut off your camera as you are spending a day of shooting or do you turn it on and off. I heard from a no so sure a reliable source that the sensor gets hot if left on. Does anyone know what the correct way is ... sometimes I am out for hours walking and shooting with time in between. Thank you.

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September 05, 2011

- Carlton Ward

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sci10c 0996
sci10c 0996
Sandra - Canon EOS 5D Mark II, f/7.1 @ 125 mm, 1/160, ISO 500, No Flash ...

Carlton Ward

Hi Carolyn,
My default automatic shutoff is 1 minute for my Canon 5D Mk II. I don't turn my camera on and off when I am shooting for the day, unless I sit down for a bite or stop to do something else - then I will switch it off. I shoot several festivals and will carry my camera all day and if it does turn off, once I press the shutter it wakes back up and is ready to go. I don't know that it uses any more battery power as I can shoot for 2 days like this before I need to replace with a spare and recharge again. I will shoot 400+ pics a day for 4 days straight at these festivals :)
my .02...

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September 05, 2011

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