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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Meghan Gonski

LightRoom 3

Has anyone bought/read these books on how to use Lightroom 3? which do you think is best to get? thanks

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Classroom in a Book (8/8/2010)

by Adobe Creative Team

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for Digital Photographers Only (5/7/2007)

by Rob Sheppard

Photoshop Lightroom 3: Visual QuickStart Guide
by Nolan Hester

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers (7/16/2010)

by Scott Kelby

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August 10, 2011


Kevin Kopchynski

You don't seem to have much response yet, and I haven't read these, but I can make a suggestion. Go to Safari Books online and do a search. See if these or other Lightroom books are there. I know there are a lot of digital photo books in general. For $24 a month, you can access up to 10 books in full. You pay month-to month. The catch is once you load a book onto your shelf, it has to stay for a month. But I bet in 3 months you could sample a lot of books worth more than the 3 month fee.

Good luck,

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August 23, 2011


Meghan Gonski
  Hey Kevin, Thanks for your advice! I appreciate it, the threads seem not to be very active anymore. I forgot I asked the question in waiting for a response! But I'm so glad you responded cause I am still curious. I just bought lighroom and saw there was a class on BP but they are video and not closed captioned. So I have to find a book to help me understand lightroom.
I didn't know about Safari Books I will check it out. :)

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August 23, 2011

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