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Photography Question 

David B. Spooner

photoshop essentials 9.0

Just received my copy of Scott Kelby's book on PSE9. I am a complete beginner with PSE9. The first chapter goes into a really well detailed aacount of getting photos from camera to photo organizer but I haven't found how to get photos already stored on hard drive and organized into folders over to PSE for editing. I probably haven't gone deep enough into the book..not sure. Appreciate any help..thanks in advance

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August 03, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  HI David,
Does PSE9 come with Adobe Bridge ?
Adobe Bridge has a photo downloader that will tag your images with your copyright info and you can select the name for the images (such as HSMF_0001.cr2, then select the drive/folder and even select a second drive/folder to download the images to. I use a Sandisk Firewire CF card reader and it will download an 8GB card in about 5-6 minutes to 1 drive. It takes about 2x for the second drive but I usually just copy paste the folder to another drive after I do my initial editing.
How you file your images is also something you need to figure out. My friend saves everything by the date but my brain doesn't work that way so I create a folder by year such as 2011 and then have subfolders with names of events like HSMF11 for High Sierra Music Festival 2011 or Lena11 for the Lena Creek camping trip I took last month as I can remember images by a specific place/event. I have folders going back to 2001 and this system works for me to quickly find a specific image :)
my .02,

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August 03, 2011

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Download the free Picassa from Google and it will do almost everything for you, David. It has an auto scan and will show you all images, videos that are in your hard disk and make chronological folders too. And as a bonus, it also has some basic photo editing tools!!!


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August 03, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Thanks to you both..I love the helpfulness of the folks here at BP. I'm still a bit confused..I have the book by Scott and the PSE software should arrive next day or so. My photos that go back several years were all organized into folders and most are backed up on CD by my wife. According to Scott's book the photodownloader on PSE will tag etc when transferring photos from camera to computer. I'm not as computer savvy as some so maybe you could simplify for me.
Usman..are you saying Picassa when downloaded will help me take photos from their home on the hard drive to PSE for editing?? Thanks again

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August 03, 2011


David B. Spooner
  wondering if an image could dragged and dropped from hard drive to PSE for editing?

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August 03, 2011


Lynn R. Powers
You will have PSE9 which is a lot more powerful than Picasa. I would only use the latter if you want to post some finished photos there.

When You download, both the RAW and JPEG images will load side by side. It will come down in its own folder. You may keep them all in the same folder so just rename it after all the files are downloaded. You may want to put some in different folders or create another new folder. Do that after everything has been downloaded. I work on them in the download folder first then transfer or delete them as I see fit.

You noticed that I included RAW. Even if you do not feel comfortable using it now you will have the RAW image later when you are more used to the program.
When I got PSE 8 the RAW program was so much better than PSE 4 that I redid some that I had done before because I kept the RAW files.

I believe that you will be best off taking a look through the book now since it will help you with the terminology. But nothing can replace taking a course with an instructor to answer your questions. Everything in the book will make more sense
after you take a course. The course will not cover everything but it will assist you in understanding the book better. You will already be more familiar with the tools when learning new things in the book. (talk about jibber-jabber. :=) )

Good luck and remember this is fun. It sure becomes more satisfying.

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August 03, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Lynne to the rescue!! Yes I am reviewing the book and I think you're probably right about a course with an instructor to inter-act with. I will definitley check out the PS courses after I receive the software and install it.
As always I appreciate your insights!!
Thanks a bunch

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August 03, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Lynne..just one more question to de-frazzle my mind..are you saying that when I install PSE9, my photo files that are on my hard drive will transfer to the PSE downloader?..the book is pretty straight forward on downloading from camera to's the existing images already on my hard drive that I'm having a hardtime with....thanks

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August 03, 2011

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  David, Picassa is a stand-alone photo manager and editing tool, it will NOT take your photos in your hard drive and put them in PSE. Moreover, Lynne is right its no match for Photoshop as far as editing is concerned.
I would like to think of it (Picassa) as a Camry in your garage when you also have a Porsche. Sometimes you would like to drive a Camry too, right.


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August 03, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Usman and are both so right!! I can't wait to get my PSE software installed. I have been perusing Scott's book and am amazed at the editing possibilities!! I do have many images on my hard drive that are no longer on a memory card that I would love to edit with PSE over time and perhaps that may not be do-able but it sure won't stop me from using PSE on future projects. Usman I did download Picassa last night on my laptop, so I now have my Camry..just waiting on my Range Rover!!
thanks again to all

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August 04, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Carlton, are you saying take the files on my hard drive and transfer them to another sort of external device then re-load them to PSE? thanks

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August 04, 2011


David B. Spooner
  are you all tired of my endless questions?? Got my PSE9 today and it is now installed on my laptop..yippee...I can now download from camera's memory card to PSE and begin the fun journey of learning to edit!!
The files that I wanted to improve with PSE are on my desktop (which I long ago named "the money pit"). I cvouldn't even install PSE9 on the dang thing. See above there a device that I could download certain images from the desktop and then transfer to my PSE organizer on the desktop?....sorry for all the questions and thanks again for your patience and good advice

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August 04, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi David,
You are not storing the images in PSE9, you store your images on your hard drives and you use PSE9 to open images which will ask you to select the drive/file/folder you want to load into the program. I always have my photos backed up to at least 2 drives because 1 thing is certain with computers & drives, they will fail and sometimes so bad that you cant recover any data/images so its a good idea to get in the habit of using multiple drives. I have lost lots of images over the years from hard drive failures and some of them are still depressing to think about. I had downloaded a CF card onto my laptop so that I could erase & re-use that CF card and the very next day, the hard drive in that laptop failed (before I could back them up another drive) and I managed to retrieve about 10 images of the 500 I had downloaded the day before.
Hope this helps and I can go into even more detail if needed.

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August 04, 2011


David B. Spooner have the patience of Job and I really appreciate it. We always copy our albums to CD after they are cataloged and downloaded. I too have lost photos and documents so now we scan valuable documents and/or back up on disc.
What I didn't realize was that with photos on hard drive or disc, all you have to do is "open" with PSE then edit. Thanks Dennis Flannigan for simplyfying for me. I installed PSE9 today, so now the journey begins!!
Thanks again, my friend....BTW, we are absolutely heat frazzled!!

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August 04, 2011


Lynn R. Powers
  David check your BP Mail.


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August 07, 2011


David B. Spooner
  Lynn...checked BP mail...nothing there....the last time my ENT doc had me go for an an MRI on my head, he called me with the same results!

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August 12, 2011

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