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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Amanda M. Freese

great beginner/intermediate level camera pkg. sell


I have a great camera bundle that im selling , would any of you know of a good place ( other than ebay or craigslist) where I can post to best spread the word to fellow photogs? I dont see a specific spot in this site so wondering where many of you may have great luck selling your equipment.

any info would be so helpful and I'd really appreciate it :)

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July 05, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Amanda,
Fred Miranda's site has a buy/sell forum area but I have had the best luck with Craigslist. I have bought & sold several camera's & lenses through Craigslist but beware of scammers because they are also trying to pull off their thievery. What I like about Craigslist is that you can meet the person & try/inspect any equipment before making a decision.
B&H also does trade-ins & buys used gear so they may be an option as well.
Are you upgrading to a full frame ?
my .02,

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July 05, 2011


Amanda M. Freese
  Thanks so much! :)

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July 06, 2011

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