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Photography Question 

Pat Harry

Upgrade to Photoshop CS5 or Wait for CS6?

I'm still using Photoshop CS3, and I'm thinking about upgrading to CS5. I'm not sure what the Adobe upgrade schedule is, but would you recommend CS5 now, or wait for CS6?

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June 05, 2011


Christine Pentecost
  It depends on what features you want in CS5 and how you would use them. I love CS5 and think it was their best upgrade, so it's certainly worth the price of the upgrade. I doubt CS6 will be out until 2012, so you'd have to wait awhile.

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June 08, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  Hi Pat, Nobody can tell you what CS6 will offer. And I agree ... it won't be available for a long time. I would get CS5. It's fabulous.

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June 29, 2011


Bruce A. Dart
  Adobe's timeline for new versions is about every 18 months, according to my friend who is on the beta team for testing. Most of us will never learn all the things that Photoshop has to offer but the new versions always have some feature that makes life (in Photoshop) easier. However, they all assume you have the latest and greatest computer as well. I found that CS5 would not run on my old, but still very useful, PowerMac G5. I would be looking to upgrade the computer as well, and I'm not sure that is going to happen. As you upgrade, just be sure it will run on your computer!

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July 12, 2011


Lynn R. Powers
  CS5 was a major upgrade and CS6 will probably be more like CS4 with only a few minor updates and new tools that you may never use. I would say purchase CS5 now as you may not need or want what is in CS6. You not only have the pleasure of using it now, and when CS6 does come out you have something to use until they get all of the wrinkles out with updates before upgrading. Or you may pass on CS6 and wait until CS7 comes out and upgrade. Since you are already in the system, upgrades are MUCH less expensive than the original cost.

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July 12, 2011

- Ann Lyssenko

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Lyssenko
Ann Lyssenko's Gallery
  I was told by a professional photographer that Adobe would give you the upgrade price for two later CS products up until the time that the 3rd upgrade occurred. Then they would charge the full price. Translation...If you have CS3 and wait for CS5 you may have to pay the full $800 or more price. If you upgrade from CS3 to CS5 you will get the lover price...about $300 or so. Ann

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July 26, 2011


Pat Harry
  Ann, that's good info to know! Thank you all for your responses. I'm going to go ahead and upgrade to CS5 rather than waining on CS6.

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July 26, 2011


Bruce A. Dart
  Hello all,
I AM a professional photographer and have upgraded Photoshop, probably since the original version 2 before they thought of the whole Creative Suite thing.Although many of my colleagues do, I usually don't upgrade right away with the next version. I.E., I had CS2 and upgraded to CS4. The CS5 version was already out and I paid the upgrade price, something like $189. With any of these companies, they are apt to change policies at any time but this was in effect a few months ago when I bought the upgrade. Since I have an older Apple PowerMac, I was told at the time by my computer dealer that my machine was still not powerful enough to run CS5 and at the point I upgrade to CS5 I would have to also upgrade my computer. If you buy the latest, greatest software there is an assumption on the part of Adobe and others that you also have the latest, greatest computer to go with it! Much like the old Buck Owens song, once you grab the "tiger by the tail" you don't have much choice but to hang on and go along for the ride. LOL.

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July 26, 2011


Richard Riebel
An amateur here!
I upgraded to CS5 and have never looked back. I did have to upgrade my computer (went from powerful PC to Mac). CS5 will amaze you.

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July 26, 2011


Pat Harry
  Bruce, I think I remember Carlton mentioning the computer issue with the upgrade. I'll check before I buy - an new computer isn't in my plans right now. New lenses appeal to me more. :)

Richard, I have a windows workstation at home. Before I upgrade, I want to think seriously about a Mac. I just don't want to re-purchase all my software.

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July 26, 2011


Richard Riebel
When I transitioned to Mac, only Adobe would not license to me the Mac version without charge.

Use someone else's Mac with a few of your images before deciding whether you need to change platforms. It could have just been my PC. I note that when I follow an Adobe tutorial as many teachers are using PCs as Macs.

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July 26, 2011


Bruce A. Dart
  Mac or PC, Nikon or's all what you are used to and works for you. If you switch platforms, you will have to upgrade all the software -- just the same as if you switch camera brands and would have to upgrade all of your lenses. You CAN do that but be sure that is what you want before you jump in. Most of the time we are better off using what we have and making smaller changes, i.e. upgrade one program. Like the different cameras, the buttons might be in a different place but essentially they are all the same buttons and they do the same thing. What one person likes, another one hates. It's a matter of taste and what you are used to.

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July 26, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Pat,
I need to amend my comment from before because I know now that part of my slowness was due to disk errors on the main hard drive of my IMAC. I am about to install a new replacement drive and I also upped my RAM from 4GB to 6GB (max for a 2008 24" IMAC) and then I expect my speed will be greatly increased :)
CS5 still does need more RAM power so that part is still valid.
Love in Light,

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July 26, 2011


Lois Wilkes
  I read so many valid points in these responses. Several years ago I upgraded from Photshop 4 to CS2 for $150. that would not be allowed now. Then I got CS3 for, I think it was $150, skipped CS4 got CS5 for $200 plan on skipping CS6 unless there is something really new about it. I've taken some BP courses, too. adv photoshop course by Jim Zukerman 8 weeks which was great and Deb Sandidge- 4 weeks which was also great and introduced me to plugins which I feel in love with.

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August 03, 2011

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