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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Pat Harry

Digital Photo Frames

I know this isn't really a photography question, but I'm hoping for an answer. I haven't been able to find it so far, so I'm turning here.

It seems like most digital frames come in a 4x3 ratio (and something else I can't remember offhand). All my final images are cropped in a 2x3 ration (4x6). Are there no 2x3 ratio digital frames? If not, how do they handle the difference? Do they stretch, which would distort the image? If make up with a fill?

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May 17, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  You should be able to find out for each particular frame, how they'll handle a non-4x3 image. My guess would be the majority would "letterbox" your image (add empty space top & bottom, or left-and-right) instead of stretching---but I bet some frames let you decide whether to stretch or not.
I had a digital frame quite some time ago (when they were still reasonably small only) and simply edited all my photos to (A) be just landscape-orientation versions, and (B) in the proper ratio---doing new crops as needed. I hated how "tiny" a portrait-orientation image looked (because most of my imagery is landscape-orientation, I kept the frame set up on its long side---so a portrait-orientation image was tiny, and lots of the frame screen was then wasted.)
Now, I use my HDTV as a slideshow "frame" from time to time, and again, I pretty much only pick my horizontal images, and recrop them to 1920x1080 which is the native size for the tv... Boy is that a nice way to view them!

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May 24, 2011

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