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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Robyn Gwilt

Losing Focus on Images

Hello. I've a problem when trying to photograph a single/couple/group - full length. If I use my center focus point and lock on someone and recompose, I find many of my images are "soft" (even if I swap to one of my other focus points) If I'm doing head-and-shoulders or half body, it doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm sure it's user error and not equipment! I'm shooting with a 5D MkII and all pro lenses. Someone told me she focuses on 1 person, then ZOOMS OUT, while keeping the focus locked.... what's the correct thing to do here ?

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May 12, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Robyn,
What aperture are you using ? I think you have to think along the lines of depth of field and the shooting plane. Keep the camera square with the plane. I would try f/9 or f/11 and see if this makes a difference.
Also, each lens has its own character such as my 24-70 creates about the same effect when shooting at f/4 as my 100-400 when shooting at f/7.1 in that the subject will be sharp but the background (at 8 to 10 ft behind the subject) will be nicely blurred.
With large groups, the plane has more variables as far as focusing and using f/16 or f/18 usually works but often times this means adjusting the ISO as well. Great thing about the 5D2 is even shooting at ISO1600, the images are not noisy.
Hope this helps,

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May 14, 2011


Rainer and Simone Hoffmann
  Hi Robyn,
That's good advice from Carlton.
Just to make sure: Are you using "One Shot AF"? If you are using "Servo AF" the camera will refocus when you recompose your image.


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May 15, 2011

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