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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Nancie M. DeMellia


I dont see any where to add a camera to my list,
I have gotten rid of the ones I dont use anymore
now there is none,
How do I get to add my camera
When I upload there is no place to click to add camera

thank you

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February 17, 2017 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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I don't think that feature is supported by BP anymore. It was never mandatory, and it is easy to imagine it was dropped as being too much effort for too little benefit. (It required someone at BP to constantly update an ever-growing database of now, thousands of camera models, since new ones seem to arrive weekly!)

Personally, I never found it terribly useful, either; really only useful to gauge how popular (on BP only) a particular camera model might be; it served no other purpose.

ie, seeing what model camera someone used for an image, to try and "evaluate" that camera model, is like asking what brand of paintbrushes a portrait painter uses. The camera model used has nearly no bearing on the outcome (relative to all other remotely-comparable cameras) than the person behind the camera making all the decisions.

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March 13, 2017

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