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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Kay Beausoleil

More and More Spam Through BP

I've been getting lots of spam in the last few weeks through my BP website (A Message From ...).

This might be the reason: the last times I went to my Contact page, the captcha (sp?) was in plain numbers, no letters, no varied fonts. It used to be a jumble of everything which made it impossible for those miserable bots to mine e-mail addresses and send unwanted ads. Now it's too easy for a computer to run the numbers and strike paydirt on our sites.

Please, BP, change the captcha model to something less simple. The recent increase of junk in my mail is driving me nuts.

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January 24, 2017 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hi Kay,

If you update to the new mobile-friendly websites, the captcha is a lot better.

We could not apply it to the old designs, and it's one of the many things I like about the newer mobile-friendly websites.

If you'd like to do that, just email bp support at bp . com (I have to write it like that so those #$^&*@ spam bots will not harvest my email address while crawling the web).

Can you tell how I feel about them ;-)


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January 25, 2017

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