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Photography Question 
- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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Total Eclipse 2017

  Smith Rocks, Or
Smith Rocks, Or

Carlton Ward

I am officially on board with the Oregon Eclipse 2017 gathering (August 21, 2017) and am putting together list of gear & techniques required to capture this event. You only get 1 chance to get it right so I am going to do all the prep work to be ready. If any of you have experience or helpful hints, I most graciously welcome them. I want to use 2 camera's getting up close with a 600mm lens and would like to get landscape shots as well. I have tripods & remote shutter releases and from what I understand, I will need solar filters as well. I understand I will need to use "live-view" and avoid the optical viewfinder to protect my eyes. The solar filters I am looking at are 16.5 stop filters and I am guessing I will use iso100 @ f/16 and will adjust my shutter speed manually as the 2.5 hour long sequence takes place. I am reading a site and please share any links/articles or insights you may have. The event I will be attending is and attached is a photo of Smith Rocks which is fairly close to where this event will be held - hopefully without the clouds :)
Love in Light,

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January 16, 2017

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
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Irene Colling's Gallery
  I don't have any experience or helpful hints Carlton but you sure picked an outstanding location to shoot from. I'm sure you will get amazing photos with the rocky mountain formations in the foreground.

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January 18, 2017

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