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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Photo Sort Order

I have noticed lately when I go into my Photo Sort Order, many of my images are not showing up? All I get is the little photo icon. It does not matter which way I look ,Drag and Drop or the other way, I can only see about 2/3s of my images. This makes it frustrating when I want to see which images are showing in my gallery without having to scroll through all the pages...I use Windows 7 and Chrome if that makes any difference...Does anybody else have this problem or have a solution. I have emptied my cache, cookies etc. and still have this problem. After checking it seems that the ones not showing are my POTD and Finalists, Staff Favs...

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December 16, 2016


Bill Johnson
  yes, I have random images that don't show...just the icon.

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December 16, 2016

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