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Photography Question 
- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery

Underground and Metro

Next week, I will be in London and Paris for work. Time permitting, I would like to visit the underground/subway/metro stations for shooting interesting architecture shots. So, I will really appreciate if someone could name some of the London and Paris underground stations which are interesting/colorful to shoot. And is a tripod allowed in the underground systems of both cities?


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September 11, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I would be very discrete, maybe even surreptitious about doing this in Paris, Usman. Remember that Paris has had a lot of extremist bombings that reach back to the 1995 metro bombings and forward to this year which has been especially deadly. They will be VERY sensitive about this kind of activity and I'm pretty sure they even have laws against photographing in the metro stations. I think I would be looking for other architectural subjects.

I just did a search and it appears that it's not as big a problem as I imagined - I saw lots of articles on stations of interest so I would think you could find many suggestions on line. I did send you a link through email. Personally, I would not use a tripod either place.

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September 11, 2016

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