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Photography Question 
- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Did I get a good deal on this SLR camera?

I just bought a camera from a lady who's husband had died. I know nothing about SLR's. It's a Minolta XG-M, came with an 80-200 4.5 zoom with macro, a 28mm f/2.8 lens, a 50mm f/1.2 lens, an auto electroflash 200x, a huge bag, straps, cleaning equip, manuals, and it's in great condition. She didn't know how old it is. I paid $125. Did I make a stroke or did she get me? Any info anyone knows will be of interest.

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April 01, 2002


doug Nelson
  Send her flowers, mow her lawn, or fix her a meal. You made out. Any of the lenses are worth that. If the XG-M plays out, you can get another one easily, or any other manual focus Minolta. Those lenses are as good as ANY. Minolta has been a real sleeper company, making great stuff and getting too little respect.

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April 02, 2002

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  thank you, thank you, thank you !! Now all I need to do is figure out how to use it. I haven't done much but point and shoot and digital. I thought it might have been a good deal, since some man was wanting to duel at 20 paces over it.

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April 02, 2002


Tony Peckman
  Yep, I agree with Doug. You definitely got a deal. Just the body alone sells for that much on Ebay. I have had an XG-M for 20 years and it is still a very reliable camera. I'll never get rid of it. My daughter is using it TODAY to photograph the high school tennis and swim teams for the yearbook. She wanted to use my auto-SLR, but I sent her away with the Minolta instead. She really wants to learn photography, so I force her to use the XG-M camera when I can.
You can probably find an XG-M manual on Ebay.
Good luck.

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April 18, 2002

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