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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Large Prints

I am interested in selling prints of my paintings. However, I am not sure how to go about it. The size of the print that I will want will probably be 20x24 plus or minus 12 inches. Is it better to shoot the image on large format and develop it on large or is it better to scan the image in and print the enlargement digitally?

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March 27, 2002


John A. Lind
For selling prints, this is traditionally done by a large professional full-service photo lab that can copy artwork, or by a large professional studio that does the same using large format cameras. A studio that does special catalog and high end advertising work would normally have the type of equipment necessary. They employ special copy techniques to ensure the camera lens is aimed perpendicular and dead center at the artwork. This also includes some specialized lighting methods with light positioning and using polarizers on both the lights and the camera lens to eliminate all glare from the surface of the artwork.

What's the type of painting? If it's an "oil" painting or something similar with surface texture, it will not scan well. Furthermore, it would have to be a very enormous scan to get enough resolution for making 20x24 fine prints from a digital file. In addition, I don't know of any digital camera made with sufficient resolution for this either.

Your best bet might be to have a large format film copy made and print from that. If you want to do it from a digital file, then have the large format film copy drum scanned (an extremely high resolution scanning method). Neither of these will be inexpensive. However, it's your desire to make 20x24 prints that drives the need for high end photographic copy and scanning methods.

-- John

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March 27, 2002

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