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Donald C. Gasparetti

Canon 5D Mark III

What does everyone (canon fans) think of the new 5D Mark III which I think will be available in about a month?

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March 09, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  What's not to love! Sounds like they resolved the largest "complaint" on the 5D2 (focus system was fairly outdated and underwhelming) and made some other enhancements... I hear that 12800 ISO is now comparable to the 7D's 1600 ISO... Wow, what that could do for more hand-held shots in lower light!

I wish Canon would have split the 5D line---a still-only camera, and a still/video body... I have no desire to get into video, and don't need any of those bells & whistles, if it would lower the end cost. If the 5D3 comes down to original 5D2 prices, I'd seriously consider upgrading, but not at the current prices north of $3000. If I was a 5D2 owner (I'm on 7D) I probably wouldn't quite be tempted to go to 5D3, I think. (But that is said not having used the 5D2 personally.)

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March 09, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  Christopher, I am with you as far as the improvements are concerned. I thought that I was the only one that wanted a simpler camera. I was hoping that the 5DII would have an 18MP sensor better weather sealing and focusing system. I did have a 5DII but due to all of the bells and whistles, my old petriFRIED brain couldn't remember how to use them. I returned to the simple 5D and I still get excellent photos.

The 5DII came out 3 1/2 years ago and at that time cost $2999. After six months it dropped in price some. With the advancements made and the rise in inflation I do not feel that the 5DIII is overpriced. It will come down after the Olympics.

The Nikon D800may cost less but unless you already have a powerful computer now it will cost more than $500 to upgrade it to be able to properly process the large 36MP files.

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March 09, 2012

- Carlton Ward

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Carlton Ward's Gallery
  I am very happy with my 5D2 but will not hesitate to get the Mk III if/when I get a spare $3K. I am also happy they didn't jump up to 30MP that was rumored as 22MP is plenty big enough for my usage :)

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March 12, 2012


Donald C. Gasparetti
  Well you all mirror my first thoughts as well. I do love my 5D2, but the 5D3 sure does sound tempting. The price is a bit harsh, and I would wait to see if the first issues have any bugs before thinking seriously about purchasing one.

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March 12, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

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  $3500 isn't bad. When you that every replacement model has come out close to the same price as the previous model, but with at least more pixels. The 1D first came out as what was thought of as a high price of $4000-$4500, but was 4.2Mp I think. Now it has 16.1Mp. How things have changed. An 18Mp 60D is less than half the price and almost 3x the pixel count of the camera that I'm still using when I got that one new.

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March 13, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

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Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Hit the submit button by mistake. Wanted to finish by saying that I do like the iso range that they gave the 5D III. And it would be a good idea to wait to see if there's any problems or downloads you have to add to the firmware.
Seems Canon had been getting careless with some of the latest models having problems.

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March 13, 2012


doug Nelson
  I don't have to have it. There's always a latest and greatest, more convenience, an edge in performance. For me, I need to concentrate on the images I make, and less on stuff. I am very fortunate to have the 5D2. If you can get the 5D2 for $2,000, go for it.

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March 19, 2012


Robert Jensen
  Been using a 5D MK2 for the past 3 years and love the camera ... all but the slow AF. Just got the MK3 and love it. Great AF and better in low light than my MK2. I do HDR imaging and so the new AEB really comes in handy when wanting to do 5 or 7 exposures. While not critical, I even appreciate the built in electronic leveling device, which shows me when the camera is perfectly level.

Regarding video, I didn' get my original MK2 for that purpose, but once my daughter started playing volleyball, it sure did come in handy. My son commented on how much better the HD video was from the MK2 than that from his Sony HD camcorder!

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April 13, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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Ken Smith's Gallery
  A friend of mine alerted me to possible recall of the 5D III. I did google search for 5D III and there are some posts about it, although seems to be rumors. Here's a couple of forum thread:

There are other threads about a light leak. Have any of you heard about a recall? Or maybe it's not a recall...but they're delaying shipping because of an issue?

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April 13, 2012


Donald C. Gasparetti
  I just got mine. Works great, but there is a temporary downside for RAW. Whenever I try to process my RAW pics with PS I get the following message -- " Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw.
Please visit the Camera Raw help documentation for additional information. "

The Mark III is not listed in cameras listed for the their camera raw program. Only the Mark II.

Just need to wait until everyone catches up with the new model.

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April 13, 2012


Anne Marie Hickey
  I just got my 5D Mark III. I upgraded from the Mark II. The Mark III has many features that I wanted. Multiple exposure, in camera HDR, AEB with the option for more than 3 exposures. I like the in camera grids and 61 focusing points. Auto focusing has improved. Double slots for compact flash cards and SD cards is very nice. With the 1000x San Disk CF card doing 5 EAB exposures is increditable fast. My only complaint is that to access many of the features you need to go deep into the menu. I think that it is a littlr time consuming. But all in all I am very pleased. I was very pleased with my photographs.

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April 14, 2012


Donald C. Gasparetti
  I agree Ann. The only real issue I have is hunting for those features. Access is not as easy as the Mark II. I guess it will just take time to get used to this new system.

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April 14, 2012


Nancy Marie Ricketts
  There's always a learning curve for every new camera. I got my 5DII in 2010. After I learned all about the tech side of this little computer, I'm still having fun with learning how to use it for applying my craft. I'm not one to rely on auto focus anyway, so I don't need that function all the time; I take mostly still photos and like to use manual to have more control in camera. I'm fine with the ISO of the 5DII, especially the extentions on both ends of the spectrum. Unless you are a sport photographer needing movies with more fps I don't see what all the excitement is about. The only reason I'd switch would be if something happed to my 5DII, and the insurance gave me a replacement cost bringing the cost of the 5DIII way down.

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April 17, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Eos 1Dx is something I'd like to have also.

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April 27, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ...Also kinda excited about the Canon rumors swirling that a new, sub-5Diii, "entry level" full-frame model could come out later this year, priced more like a 7D, with a few modest improvements over the old 5Dii, while perhaps not as lofty as the 5Diii features. Would be lovely for me if they took out video capabilities (assuming that made any cost reduction!)
If they could essentially make/price a 7D but full-frame, with something closer to 5Diii ISO responses, I'd be set for years to come!

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April 27, 2012

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