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Photography Question 

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures

Photo Quality

I was hoping someone at BP could help me figure out what happened to one of one photos (The Old Boat Ramp) when I uploaded it. The image got all funky, especially the water, I have uploaded it to other sites and had no problem and the photo looks fine on my computer. It is a 5 photo merge and when I exported it I use 1600 pixels on the long side and again it looked fine at that size, the only place I see this is on this site. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

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November 26, 2017

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  Hi John,
Largest size photo on BP is 1024 px on the long side. If you upload anything bigger, it will be downsized by BP. Strange things sometimes happen in the process.
If you want to keep control over processing of your photo I would recommend that you resize it to 1024 px, process (sharpen or...), and then upload.
Hope it helps,

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November 26, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Thank you Bojan, I am going to upload that same image with your long side number and see how it looks. But what I don't understand is why they tell you to use 1600 on the long side if they still have to resize it again. Anyway I will let you know how it works when I resize it and upload it again!!

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November 26, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures

I just uploaded the photo with the new settings and it is a touch better but still degraded. Its a mystery to me.

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November 26, 2017

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Try it downsized to 800 px, John. You should see better results. That is what I have been doing in all these years.

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November 26, 2017

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  One more thing you could try - there are two uploaders - platinum and alternate. Try both and see if it helps. Platinum works for me.

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November 26, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Thank you Usman and Bojan for your help, I have tried every way to upload this. The best result I had was with 800 on the long side and the alternative uploader, the problem is still there but very slight. Some members have contacted me and said it looks fine on there computer so it may very well only be seen on certain monitors. I going to try and re-edit the problem areas and see if that also helps.

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November 27, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  I have found a solution to my problem, I figured I would try one last thing before I started editing the photo. I used the best quality Jpeg I had (No resizing) and dragged and dropped it into the Platinum Uploader and this has taken care of the problem, don't ask me why it worked but it did.

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November 27, 2017


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  John, I am seeing your post late. Glad that you got a solution to the problem that you had. As far my experience goes with the size of the contest photos, I got the best result with 800 px on the long side and with that size I always upload a tiff image. I didn’t have satisfying result with 1600 px photo uploads - either I didn’t manage it well or it had compatibility issue when uploaded, I found the photos shrinking to a size I didn’t like or it was too soft as it was not opening up in 100% display. Of late, I have started uploading photos in 1000 px on the long side and what I have noticed that it does not get reduced to a size equivalent to that of 800 px and I like it much better that way. I always use alternative image uploader.

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November 30, 2017


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Thank you Ujjwal for the information, I will have to look into using the settings you suggest and also saving as tif instead of jpeg. I was always disappointed in the cropping of the alternative uploader, but maybe with your settings I will have a change of mind!!

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December 01, 2017

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