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BetterPhoto Member

Setting up a mini-studio: Digital?

Ok, I have several questions, but will try and keep this short and to the point. 1. I have a Olympus Camedia 4.1 megap. and am thinking about starting a very small and humble studio for black and white portraits etc...for friends, relatives etc... 2. I also have a Canon A1 (w/no decent lenses) - the manual focus makes it impossible to do studio work. QUESTION #1: should I add on to the digital camera (for studio work), and if so, what to buy (what would I need minimally), including a printer? QUESTION#2: should I get a "film" set up (I now have the opp to buy a Nikon outfit for $800 - used from someone who is going digital). QUESTION: how difficult is it to start doing studio work with digital and what does a person need? THANK YOU - any help is awsome!!!

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October 14, 2002

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