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Photography Question 

Lisa C. Lloyd it or not?

I've been offered the opportunity to purchase a Rolleiflex camera. Near as I can tell it's a Rolleiflex Automat MX-EVS Type 2. It comes at a price of about $175 and is part of an estate. The family doesn't know if it works or not and is willing to take that into account in considering price. I don't know anything about these cameras other than it looks really neat. What kind of film does it take? Is that film even manufactured anymore? How does it work? How do you even open it? There is no owner's manual, otherwise I'd be able to figure this out. Any advice?

Thanks a million!

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June 14, 2010


Jon Close
  120 roll film, the camera will make twelve 6cm (2 1/4") square images per roll. 220 rolls are the same width film, just longer and the rolls are greater diameter. I don't think 220 fits in the old Rolleiflex.

Not specifically the MX-EVS Type 2, but here is an instruction manual for typical Rolleiflex Automat: .
I don't have a handle on value, other than it is highly dependent on condition and the specific lens. There aren't any bad lenses on these, but some are rarer or have more cache with collectors.

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June 16, 2010


John H. Siskin
  My memory is that the Automat had a built in meter that controlled exposure. Usually this didn't work well after a few years. So this is probably something to put on display. Actually the price seems kind of high. The good Rollies were the Rollieflex with the Zeiss Planar f2.8 lens. I used to have one, a very fine camera. Thanks, John Siskin

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June 22, 2010


Steve Spehar
  the guys above answered most of your questions. I had always wanted to own a Rollei TLR, and so went on a quest a couple of years ago, finally landing a Rollei 2.8F from the mid-60's for around $1500. It was in perfect working condition when I bought it and actually I got a great price for the money. That is a much better camera than the Automat.

This camera, function-wise, may not be something you want to experiment with, even assuming it works. But, if you can, find out the serial number and look it up in this database. It tells you what models and years and serial series should be worth in good condition:

You may be able to get a free instruction manual here:

If you are taking a crap shoot, you shouldn't pay in the range of the given value. However, if take the chance for a good price, here is the best place to send your Rollei for cleaning/repair. Harry is the master guru of Rollei repair:

best of luck to you.

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January 15, 2014


Steve Spehar
  oh, ha ha. just realized how old this thread is. anyway, useful info for the prospective Rollei buyer.

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January 15, 2014

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