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Category: What Do I Need to Build My Own Darkroom?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Print Developing - Both Color and B&W

I'm just starting into developing prints on my own. I don't want to limit myself to b&w or color. I was wondering if they use the same chemicals in developing, or if I need to purchase two seperate sets?

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November 13, 2001


  Yes, the chemistry and processing involved for color and B/W are very much different. You will not only have to purchase different chemistry but also different equipment depending on how you plan to process your color. Since color is somewhat the more complex of the two, I will deal with that. Namely, while you can tray process color (in total darkness - no safelights) with the chemistry available today you also might consider using a color print processor as well (Warning: these can be very expensive).

My advice is to start with B/W and get comfortable with it first, then move on to color - make sure you get an enlarger with a color dichroic head. It is always best to go from simple to complex, experience and empirical interaction will ultimately let you know what you want to do.

Happy shooting!

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November 15, 2001

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