Nikon N65 ) and I am having a pumpkin carving..."> Nikon N65 ) and I am having a pumpkin carving..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Holidays & Special Event Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Pumpkin/Night Shots/Halloween Photos

Hello all! I just purchased my first SLR camera (a Nikon N65 ) and I am having a pumpkin carving party this weekend. My question is, what the best way to get a good shot of the various carvings? Is there a certain film that will work better? Any lighting suggestions? Overall for Halloween shots, what is the best way to deal with low light situations. I don't want to compromise the images by drowning them with a flash. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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October 25, 2001


Mark A. Braxton
  Hi Natalie,
Sounds like a fun project. I think you have the right idea by not wanting to use too much light.

But actually, the best answer I could give you is to do a practice run on a pumpkin and maybe even put a candle behind it so you can't really see it. And test how the camera reacts to the backlight. Try your camera on different metering modes such as matrix and spot. Also I'd try it metering on the pumpkin without a flash with some light from another source. Maybe you'll want to try some Kodak film with a Extra or deep color rating. A lit candle inside of the master pieces might not be a bad idea. I'd try metering off of the pumpkin and metering off of the inner light (candle light) also. Low speed film will give off less graininess but, you will need a tripod (to avoid camera shake) at slow shutter speeds.

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October 26, 2001

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