BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Macro Photography Tip

Photography Question 

Laura Johnson

Best Aperture and Shutter for Macro Work

I have noticed that movement is more pronounced (or at least I notice it more) when I shoot in macro mode... I would normally shoot with a smaller f-stop to blur the background, but could I use a faster shutter speed, say 500 or 1000 to compensate for the wind?

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October 08, 2001


Jacque Staskon
  Hi, when you are working in the macro mode everything becomes more noticeable. First make sure you are using a cable release and a sturdy tripod and pray to the gods to ease the wind. Focus carefully and use your depth of field preview button to see exactly what will be in or out of focus. You will need all the depth of field you can get and depending on which lens you are using, f16 or 22 or 32 will be necessary. Raising your shutter speed to 500 or 1000 will give you less depth of field not more. A shutter speed of 125 will stop the breeze. I find that shooting in early morning or late afternoon when the winds die down helps. You can even make a wind break out of pvc pipe and white muslin. This has the added advantage of becoming a light diffuser as well. Good luck.

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October 10, 2001


Laura Johnson
  Thanks Jacque - that makes sense.

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October 10, 2001

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