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DOF Chart

Ok, Can anyone find me a good easy to use DOF chart that is in feet and inches instead of the annoying meters. I use a 28-80mm lens, and 100-300mm.


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May 25, 2001


John A. Lind
  DOF chart for 35mm focal length lens
DOF chart for 35mm focal length lens
Distances are in feet; circle of confusion is 0.025mm (applicable to 35mm film format)

John A. Lind

DOF is dependent on focus distance, aperture and focal length. With a zoom lens, it's not really possible to create a single chart. However, I am uploading four for 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 80mm focal lengths. The aperture is shown on the left. Focus distance is shown across the top. For the aperture and focus distance the "near" and "far" are the boundaries of the DOF. All distances are in feet. The circle of confusion used to create them is 0.025mm, making them applicable to 35mm film format.

-- John

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May 26, 2001

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