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Manual vs. Autofocus

Is it better to get a manual focus or automatic focus?

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  The best are cameras that take advantage of sophisticated autofocus systems and yet allow you to switch to a fully manual focus mode. There are some situations (like low light) that cause autofocus to bog down and cause the photographer a lot of frustration. If you can switch to manual, though, you're okay. Passing by the advantages of autofocus, though, just because you feel manual is the tradition, would cause you to miss some awesome shots. When I switched to autofocus, I saw a lot more great shots of kids and wildlife come back from the lab.

One final note: the kind of autofocus I prefer is the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) kind you get from an SLR, not the fixed focus kind you get from a really cheap camera and not the autofocus you get from higher quality point and shoots. The best cameras are the ones the allow you to see exactly what you are going to get.

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