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Category: Photography Special Effects

Photography Question 

Rhonda L. Tolar

Shooting a Silhouette on Purpose

I have a school project to shoot horse riders in silhouette against a sunset. Now, I have shot silhouettes before, but they were a mistake! I haven't ever tried to produce a true silhouette. I have a Canon EOS 2000, with the standard lens, and I have a Sigma 70 - 300 HSM lens. I am thinking that I just need to use the wide angle. This project is the making of a poster for a movie that the community college made. The dean is wanting a large oak tree, a sunset and silhouettes of horses with riders. I can shoot all of this separately and let them pull it all together, but it would be better to try and get it all in one shot. So, I will take all suggestions out to the country with me and try them all!

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July 07, 2004


  Just arrange the horse and the rider between your camera and the sunset. Expose for the sunset (not directly at the sun but the area of the sky next to the sun). Lock the exposure reading, and take the photo. Take a couple more with plus and minus 1/2 and 1 exposure. Hope this helps.

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July 07, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  Thank you, Andy, this is helpful. I only get one day to work with this. It is hard to arrange horses, riders, and the sunset all at one time!

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July 07, 2004


Scott Pedersen
  Check out the latest issue of Petersens Photographic pg34. An artical on shooting silhouetts. Its got a lot of information.

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July 13, 2004

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