Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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Just You & Me Photo Contest Finalist   "Just You & Me"
"Just You & Me"
Location: Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Utah. Time was around 8pm and I was trying to get a silhouette shot. I used an 18-105 Nikon Lens. At the time I didn't notice what I had my apeture set at. I am still pretty new to this and will take note of the details from now on. Low light was new to me, but I wanted to take on the challenge for myself. The sunset was beautiful and I was thrilled to have had a couple with me to capture this moment!

Colette Wagstaff


Colette Wagstaff

I just need to know what others think of the photo itself and what I could have done to enhance it more and make it more romantic and peaceful and the same time. I am new to taking photos in low light, so an constructive critiques would be greatly appreciated!

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July 16, 2013

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