Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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California Dreaming

  California Dreaming
California Dreaming
This is another of my images taken during a storm last Tuesday morning in Huntington Beach Calif. I edited this image using camera raw, NIK HDR Pro2 & Viveza software.

F16, 1/200, ISO 320, Lens 28-135mm, Focal 115mm, circular polarizer filter.

Arthur Bohlmann


Stephen Shoff

I think there are two too many elements in this one Art. The black and white dog on the left seems like a "outlier" object that compromises the strength of the leading lines and flow of the image.

The fisherman's attention, too, is directed off in an entirely different direction and his fishing pole extends out the edge of the frame. You might try strengthening the composition by cropping this to more of a 4:5 to eliminate him. That may put the end of the pier dangerously close to the right edge of the frame, so I'm not sure this will work.

I think I like the post-processing effects with the few spots of saturated colors.

But overall, I think it might be a stronger, more coherent image than your prior post.

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May 12, 2013


Dale Hardin
  This sure brings back memories of the day Jeff and I spent at that very spot, Art.

Stephen makes some very good compositional points. However, I'd suggest a different "fix" if you wish to change it. Simply cloning out the dog and fisherman would take care of the issues raised.

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May 13, 2013


Arthur Bohlmann
  California Dreaming
California Dreaming

Arthur Bohlmann

Thanks for the suggestions Stephen and Dale. I am not sure yet of what to change or simply leave it alone. I personally like how busy this image is. It is just a very busy day at the beach. This is the B&W version.

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May 13, 2013

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