Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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Sunset on a Boston Brick Street

  Sunset on a Boston Brick Street
Sunset on a Boston Brick Street
This was hand-held, SS 1/50, F13, ISO 1250. I liked it because it resulted in a painted-effect look. I went back next evening and shot some more with a tripod, but I liked this one for something different.

Pamela K. Barrett


Arthur Bohlmann

Nice image my only suggestion would for you add more light to bring out more detail in the shadow areas those beautiful yellow trees would really make this image pop if they were a little brighter. What editing software did you use?

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November 19, 2012


Pamela K. Barrett
  I have Topaz Adjust, but I think on this image, I just used the controls on Photoshop, i.e., layers, drop shadow, & stroke. I think the hand-held gave it the blur, painterly effect.

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November 19, 2012


Arthur Bohlmann
  I have adjust as well. I suggest that you play around with this image more and see if you can bring out more detail and color

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November 19, 2012


Gary R. Smith
  Nice image, with an excellent leading line. It takes my eye right to the back of the image. I agree with Arthur on the details aspect. I would use a tripod on this one and increase your aperture to f/19 and drop your ISO to 100. Are you using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? Topaz Adjust would do a good job of getting some cloud details out if they are present.

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November 19, 2012

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