Uploaded: June 30, 2005 01:27:57
Today's rain left many jewels around the yard. :)
9.7mm, 1/500, f/5.0, ISO 100 Cropped, and simplified in PSP9.
Amanda Price June 30, 2005
Susana Heide- Thiessenmember since: 7/30/2003 WOW!! This is gorgeous!! Love that little diamond on the petals! LOVELY in every way!
Thanks, Susana! :D #271227
Donna Roberts June 30, 2005
Amanda - this is wonderful!Jill A. Johnson June 30, 2005
Wonderful Work Amanda!!!Jill :) #1537896
Tammy Scott June 30, 2005
Superb shot, Amanda! #1538005Colette M. Metcalf June 30, 2005
Very nice, Amanda!! #1538027Bobbie Davis June 30, 2005
WOW! Great macro Amanda! Such detail and sharpness! #1538230Jessica L. Richard June 30, 2005
great macro, very beautiful! #1538334Daniel Diaz June 30, 2005
Beautiful Macro Amanda, I love your choice of crop and of course the single water drop!! #1538737Roxanne M. Bubar June 30, 2005
Beautiful capture and wonderful macro. #1538764Lynn Crawford June 30, 2005
Wonderful macro, love that one drop just sitting there on the petal :) #1539103S J June 30, 2005
Strikingly beautiful macro capture, Amanda!! Beautiful details and neat framing!! #1539594Claudette Foote June 30, 2005
Wonderful Work Amanda!!!#1539664
Patty Razonable June 30, 2005
Excellent macro, DOF, and composition, Amanda!! #1539883Jessica McCollam June 30, 2005
Wonderful shot, Amanda!:) #1539907
Terry L. Ellis
June 30, 2005
Susan T. Evans
June 30, 2005
Laurence Saliba
June 30, 2005
Olivia Navarro June 30, 2005
Amazing!!!! The single raindrop on the flower is fantastic! #1540138Ermanno Radice June 30, 2005
Wonderful composition, excellent work, Amanda! #1540153
Serena Pierce
June 30, 2005
Laura E. OConnor June 30, 2005
Beautiful, Amanda! #1541128Amanda Price June 30, 2005
Wow! You guys are so nice! Thank-you, Donna, Jill, Tammy, Colette, Bobbie, Jessica, Daniel, Roxanne, Lynn, Sanjay, Claudette, Patty, Jessica, Terry, Susan, Laurence, Olivia, Ermannno, Serena, and Laura! #1541475Rhonda Smith July 10, 2005
This should be framed and hanging on your wall.. awesome in every way ! #1576718Ken Grooms July 22, 2005
Congratulations, Amanda! Well done! #1622529Stephanie Lyons July 22, 2005
Congratulations Amanda! #1622584Mary Timman July 22, 2005
Great...Congrats! #1622585Susana Ms Heide July 22, 2005
WOW! What a beauty!! CONGRATS! #1622603Dale Ann Cubbage July 22, 2005
Beautiful!! Amanda, congrats on this great finalist!! Good luck in the next round!da #1623036
Rhonda Smith July 22, 2005
Congrats Amanda... I knew this was a winner when I saw it... good luck with the finals! #1623182
Terry L. Ellis
July 22, 2005
Serena Pierce
July 22, 2005
Linda D. Lester
July 22, 2005
Amanda Price July 22, 2005
Wow! Thanks everybody! I was scoping out the competition and I don't stand a chance, but it's wonderful to be among the finalists! #1623492Melissa L. Zavadil July 22, 2005
This is gorgeous Amanda!! I must have missed this one! Congratulations on the finalist!! #1623546Jill Flynn July 22, 2005
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist Amanda! #1623548Alisha L. Ekstrom July 22, 2005
Hmm..I missed this one..WTG girlfriend...CONGRATS on your well deserved finalist...This is FABULOUS!! Good luck on the next round:) #1623864Sylvia Rossler July 23, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA!!!Daniel Diaz July 23, 2005
Congrats Amanda, good luck in the next round!!!! #1624768Donald K. Cherry July 23, 2005
Congrats , Amanda...very well done!! #1625163Kerby Pfrangle July 23, 2005
AmandaCongratulations on your finalist.
Best of luck in the following rounds.
Kerby #1625453
Kristian L. Stricklin July 23, 2005
Pretty!! Congratulations! #1625909Jennifer Rennison July 23, 2005
Gorgeous, Amanda! Congratulations on your finalist! #1626756Deb Holmes-Hatfield July 23, 2005
Congratulations on this much deserved finalist, Amanda! #1627295Ermanno Radice July 23, 2005
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, good luck in the next round, Amanda! #1627452KHAWLA Haddad July 23, 2005
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist!!!!!!!. #1627694Mata Patan July 23, 2005
This shot is so precious!!!Tammy Scott July 23, 2005
Congratulations Amanda! #1628463Olivia Navarro July 23, 2005
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Amanda!!! #1629658Amanda Price July 23, 2005
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! You guys are the best! #1629672Detrick V. Martin July 23, 2005
Congratulations! Wonderful Image! #1629775S J July 23, 2005
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Amanda!! #1629840
Adilson F. Ferreira
July 24, 2005
Sandy Landon
July 24, 2005
Kelly S. Michaud September 24, 2005
Congratulations! What a gorgeous photo. The placement of the droplet is perfect as is the composition. Beautiful.Kelly #1875379
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