daisy impression II

© Ursula I. Abresch

daisy impression II

Uploaded: June 29, 2005 11:23:17


Tryng shallow DOF (F2.8), closeup (Sigma macro 105 mm lens) and flash (the on-board of the D70, set at 1/16th power).


Patrick Perron June 29, 2005

Nice experiment ! Looks good. #271001

Kimberly C. Miner June 29, 2005

very cool. #1536153

Terry L. Ellis level-classic June 29, 2005

Love the color and the impressionist look you achieved...very lovely, Ursula! #1536197

Dr Silly level-classic June 29, 2005

This is a far cry from the sharp photo
The Window. Out of focus. This shot has made me realize that you can get good shots thowning out the rule book.
Well done.

Dr Silly

Marsha S. Smith June 29, 2005

Just gorgeous! #1536258

Margot Petrowski June 29, 2005

I love it!!! #1536975

Ursula I. Abresch June 29, 2005

Thank you.

Throwing out the rule books sounds like fun :) #1537014

Kristina Juodyte June 29, 2005

Very cool. I like the delicate feel of it. #1537333

Janis Katlaps June 29, 2005

Think have to change my attitude to built-in flash! Very nice! #1537363

Serena Pierce level-classic June 29, 2005

Very unique! #1537426

Amanda Price June 29, 2005

This is great, Ursula! Very eye-catching! #1537600

Ursula I. Abresch June 29, 2005

Thank you all again! #1537694

Stephanie Lyons July 22, 2005

GORGEOUS Ursula! Congrats! #1622635

Rhonda Smith July 22, 2005

Congrats Ursula.. good luck in the finals!!! #1623201

Serena Pierce level-classic July 22, 2005

Congratulations!! #1623222

Robert Mann level-deluxe July 22, 2005

Glad to see this gorgeous image in the finals, Ursula! Many congrats on your daily winner....oops wrong place, must of just type that somewhere else....Many congrats on your finalist selection and good luck! RoB #1623804

Dr Silly level-classic July 23, 2005

Congrats Ursula.

Dr Silly

Ken Grooms July 23, 2005

I love your impressionistic flower! Congratulations! #1624743

Janis Herd July 23, 2005

This is superb. Thanks for including your shooting data. #1625940

Marsha S. Smith July 23, 2005

Congratulations, Ursula
Good luck in the next round! #1626439

Ursula I. Abresch July 23, 2005

Thank you! #1627559

Terry L. Ellis level-classic July 23, 2005

I thought this was a major beauty when I first saw it! Congratulations, Ursula!! Good luck! #1627660

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic January 08, 2006

Pretty,,love the colors and DoF! We have the same camera. #2266681

Anita Bower March 31, 2008

Your experiment worked beautifully! #5722542

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