mother and child

© Kelly Billington

mother and child

Uploaded: April 07, 2003 20:28:54


Judith G. Secco April 08, 2003

Wonderful, Kelly.
Judy #29602

Debbie S. May 26, 2019

Geogrous shot Kelly!! I love the soft texture of the skin and how their features pop out at you. Nice composition too. What an adorably baby... ;) #78242

Kelly Billington May 26, 2019

Thanks Judy and Debbie...i so appreciate you taking the time to write me...always makes my day

Betsy Drew May 26, 2019

I love the baby's expression! What kind of lighting did you use? How old is the baby? Just preparing for my sister's new arrival! #89000

Kelly Billington May 26, 2019

Hi BD....In both photos you wrote me about I used natural light with a reflector to the side. I love using natural light I think it look better and it's very easy to use...freeing up time to focus on the baby...In the sleepy baby photo...I used a black velvet backdrop....I sewed pieces together to make the size that I wanted and I nailed it to the wall...very simple and should take some pregnancy shots of your sister before she has the baby....let me know if you need anything else...Kelly #89095

Betsy Drew May 26, 2019


I didn't even know they both were yours--I was just browsing through the category and commented on the ones I liked! Shows you you're good! When you say the reflector was off to the side, do you mean opposite of the baby or opposite of the mother? Thanks! #89107

Kelly Billington May 26, 2019

the window is to the right...the reflector is to the left closest to the mom....the baby is around 3 months old....thanks for all of your nice compliments...things are going well so far...I've only been doing this for hire for about a year...still have soooo much to learn


Judith G. Secco May 26, 2019

Congratulations on this wonderful shot, Kelly.
Judy #101273

Debbie S. May 26, 2019

Congrats!! I love this's just beautiful and such a moment. Good for you! #101437

Kelly Billington May 26, 2019

Thanks Judith and Debbie! I was very surprised...and happy... #102164

Gerda Grice level-classic May 26, 2019

Very sweet picture, Kelly. You've caught wondeful expressions and the pose is inspired. Great work. congratulations and good luck! #102192

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic May 26, 2019

Very nice! Congratulations! #102372

Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

Precious Kelly! Congratulations! Perfect exposure too! #102662

Kelly Billington May 26, 2019

Thanks everyone...Hi Dolores...good to hear from you...hope all is well with you... #102697

Barbara K. Breitsameter May 26, 2019

Congrats Kelly! This is priceless. :-) #104355

Gerda Grice level-classic May 26, 2019

Many congratulations on your very well earned win, Kelly! #104403

Monika Sapek May 26, 2019

Wonderful photo, Kelly! Many congratulations!

Jessica Hughes January 26, 2004

This is the first time I've seen this photo. I LOVE it Kelly! It is precious! Congrats on your win! It is well deserved! #349345

Evy Johansen level-classic December 12, 2005

OMG... I havn't seen this beauty before.... This is gorgeous, Kelly!! #2177291

Kelly Billington December 12, 2005

Thanks so much evy.....I havnen't posted in so long...I miss being on this's a wonderful place for photographers!! #2177970

Morteza Safataj February 23, 2006

So lovely , good shoot , best subject . #2457024

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