Uploaded: June 14, 2005 15:18:18
Mary Clarke June 14, 2005
What a fantastic shot! #263329
Sandy Landon
June 14, 2005
Debbie Truesdale June 14, 2005
Great shot!! #1470641Goshka G. June 14, 2005
Awesome!! #1470645Piotr M. Organa June 14, 2005
All of the above! #1470872Jessica L. Richard June 14, 2005
wonderful and absolutly beautiful! #1471212Susana Ms Heide June 14, 2005
STUNNINGLY beautiful "portrait" of this horse! GREAT comp! #1471508Lani Allen June 16, 2005
what a perfect image of a perfect animal. Beautiful comp, magical #1477483Kate Jackson July 23, 2005
Congratulations on finalist for this stunning portrait! Way way to go! #1624406Barbara Helgason July 23, 2005
Wow, this is just beautiful! Stunning, congratulations. #1628086Lori Carlson July 23, 2005
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! What an amazing shot, so smooth and well composed! Much congrats!!! :0) #1628155Susana Ms Heide July 23, 2005
Such elegance and simplicity!!! CONGRASTS and GOOD LUCK!! #1628502Cindy Paquette July 23, 2005
ACHE-INGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! CONGRATS! #1629319Dan Holm July 24, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS on your gorgeous and well deserved GRAND PRIZE WIN!!! #1633744
LJ Corliss
July 24, 2005
S J July 24, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserving GRAND PRIZE WIN!! #1633814Piotr M. Organa July 24, 2005
Congratulations on your Grand Photo!
Theresa Marie Jones
July 25, 2005
Susie Peek-Swint July 25, 2005
Just stunning ~ well-deserved winner ~ congrats! #1633899Judi Liosatos July 25, 2005
Congratulations AAT. I loved this shot when I first saw it on UF and I still think it is a winner. Well deserved Grand Prize.Judi #1633991
Kerby Pfrangle July 25, 2005
Congratulations AAT on your grand prize win. Beautiful.Kerby #1634111
Luc Demiddele July 25, 2005
I have no words. I just keep looking. Please, give us more! #1634178clifton Mair July 25, 2005
Stunning! Absolutly beautiful, congrats. #1634581Colette M. Metcalf July 25, 2005
Congratulations on your First Place Win!!! Gorgeous! #1634733Colette M. Metcalf July 25, 2005
OOPS! GRAND!! #1634734Donna J. Eaton July 25, 2005
A perfectly composed and excuted Grand Prize Winner! Congratulations! #1634738
Deborah Lewinson
July 25, 2005
Sharon Day July 25, 2005
Big congratulations on this outstanding Grand Prize Winner!!! #1634858
Kathleen K. Parker
July 25, 2005
Joanna Pecha July 25, 2005
Congratulations on this fine photograph! Very deserving of top honors!! Joanna #1634951Claudette Foote July 25, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserving GRAND PRIZE WIN!! #1634982
Jeff Lovinger
July 25, 2005
Kirsi Bertolini July 25, 2005
Simple perfection (like every horse in my eyes..) Very well done and deserved winner! Inspirational view, got to love it so grand old congratulation! #1635029Murry Grigsby July 25, 2005
Congratulations on your Grand Prize winning photo!! #1635039Laura E. OConnor July 25, 2005
Congratulations on this beautiful Grand Prize winner!!!! #1635128Vicki Hunt July 25, 2005
Congratulations on this spectacular award! It is outstanding! #1635164Barbara Helgason July 25, 2005
Congratulations, this is beautiful, I loved it the first time I saw it! #1635274Jill Flynn July 25, 2005
Congratulations on your well deserved Grand Prize Win. BEAUTIFUL AND OUTSTANDING IMAGE!!!! #1635328Cathy Barrows July 25, 2005
Congrats on your win!...this is so gorgeous #1635329Patrick Campbell July 25, 2005
Congrats on your GP win...Aliya is exquisite! #1635342Abdusalam A. Al-Tuwijri July 25, 2005
Big thanks friends for the nice comments , really glad for thatKay Beausoleil July 25, 2005
Congratulations on your Grand Prize win -- a hauntingly beautiful and simple composition! #1635388Melissa L. Zavadil July 25, 2005
Wonderful shot!! Congrats on your GRAND PRIZE win!!!!!! #1635524Wendy Stevenson July 25, 2005
BIG congratulations on your GRAND PRIZE win with this beautiful shot!!! #1635550Kate Jackson July 25, 2005
This is so well deserved I love it ~ congratulations!! #1635613Ken Grooms July 25, 2005
Georgeous shot of a gorgeous animal! Congratulations! #1635635KHAWLA Haddad July 25, 2005
Congratulations on this beautiful Grand Prize winner!!!! #1635656Jennifer Jones July 25, 2005
An amazing photograph! The compostion and DOF makes this spectacular. Beautiful black & white tones. Congratulations on your award... well deserved! #1635824Kathleen R. Struckle July 25, 2005
Congrats on you win!! Awesome image!! #1635847Deborah Sandidge July 25, 2005
Stunning - congratulations on your win!! #1635912Kathy Shogren July 25, 2005
Congrats on this gorgeous grand prize winner! #1635969Joyce ONeil July 25, 2005
Congratulations on a well deserved win! #1635989Noel Baebler July 25, 2005
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! #1636091Amanda Price July 25, 2005
Nothing less than GRAND! Congratulations on this beautiful winner! #1636202
Evy Johansen
July 25, 2005
Susana Ms Heide July 25, 2005
PURE ELEGANCE AND GRACE! This is certainly the most beautiful "portrait" of a horse I've ever seen!!!! CONGRATS AAT on the GRAND prize!!!!! #1636342
Terry L. Ellis
July 25, 2005
Ermanno Radice July 25, 2005
Congrats on this gorgeous grand prize winner, AAT!! #1636901Jordi Delgado July 25, 2005
Congratulations, this is truly a masterpiece!!:-) #1637039
Mary Clarke July 25, 2005
Many, many congratulations Aat. I've said it before and I'll say it again - what a fantastic shot! #1637101Lorri Shane July 25, 2005
Congrats! Aat. It's a beauty! Lorri #1637239
Laurence Saliba
July 25, 2005
Dan Walters
July 25, 2005
Joannie Bertucci
July 25, 2005
Goshka G. July 25, 2005
Congrats on this beautiful win!! #1637626
Serena Pierce
July 25, 2005
Diane Addonizio
July 25, 2005
Benica Walsh July 25, 2005
Congratulations to you and all of the contest winners, and finalists! Well done. #1638157
Cora Miller
July 25, 2005
samia s. hendal July 25, 2005
Congratulations!who know you will say you really deserved the grand prize :) #1638771
Gary H. Minish
July 26, 2005
Elisabeth A. Gay July 26, 2005
This is superb, a well deserved grand prize win!bob garas July 26, 2005
what a beautiful shot. congradulation#1640435
bob garas July 26, 2005
what a beautiful shot. congradulation#1640444
Mary N C. Taitt July 26, 2005
Great shot, beautiful, congratulations. #1641183Kenneth C. Long July 26, 2005
Congradulations on a great win, Nice shot #1642571Joy Rector July 28, 2005
congrats on your POTD #1647882Monika Sapek July 28, 2005
Beautiful photo! Congrats on your Grand Prize Win!Lisa Young July 28, 2005
Congrats on your very deserving Grand Prize win Aliya! #1650986Dawn O July 30, 2005
What a beautiful image!!Kevin Anderson July 31, 2005
Love the shot! Congratulations on your Grand prize award. #1658253Protacio Serna July 31, 2005
Congratulations Abdusalam...excellent image and an outstanding gallery.Regards
Pserna.com #1660260
Joy Rector August 02, 2005
congrats on your win.Triptych Taylor August 07, 2005
Great shot, and congrats on your win #1688213Shawna K. Clor August 08, 2005
Wonderful, wonderful photo #1694864Linda R. Baker August 11, 2005
Just Beautiful...great composition! #1707521Shari Travison August 14, 2005
Great lighting and composition! Congrats! #1716871Karacan Salkuci (Kalacay) October 26, 2005
Beautiful artistic image. Congradulations. #2001992Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 03, 2005
This is lovely, congratulations!! #2149040Milan Banik April 23, 2006
extraordinary work ,love this work! #2677122Rachel Tabron April 26, 2006
This is a beautiful photo. Love your gallery too. #2693411Jennifer E. Betser November 12, 2006
This is the most amazing photograph I have ever seen.. great composition, depth of field, everything is perfect! Fantastic! #3579156Ariel Lepor June 20, 2007
Are you aware of http://www.betterphoto.com/forms/Discussiondetail.php?threadID=677217 #4418291Holly Hitchcock January 14, 2008
WOW..............Double wow....this is one of the best images I have seen in a long time. Really wonderful on all levels. #5338030Dawn M. Schneider February 25, 2008
Stunning!!! #5550808Sarah Baker May 26, 2008
Amazing! I love how the horse is off to the side #5978787Meghan Gonski March 31, 2009
I really love this photo you can really feel the texture of the horse hair. #7358190Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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