Prickly [Details & Macro ]
Uploaded: January 06, 2010 03:57:28
Macro capture of a cactus.
ISO 400, 1/50 sec, f/5.6, EV -1/3, lens 100mm macro, Aperture Priority.
Shirley Sicurello
January 06, 2010
Lindley Johnson
January 06, 2010
Meg Voyzey February 12, 2010
Wow, this is cool! Congrats on the EP! #8377569Arthur Bohlmann February 18, 2010
Oustanding Image, congratulations on your EP, hope you get the gold! #8392632Melissa G. Meiselman February 19, 2010
Outstanding finalist...Congratulations, Michael!!! #8399292Meg Voyzey February 20, 2010
WTG on being a finalist!! #8402673Michael S. Baker February 21, 2010
Thanks, everyone, for commenting! Glad you like this image!Anne McKinnell February 24, 2010
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist! Wonderful textures! #8413114
Leslie McLain
February 25, 2010
Arthur Bohlmann February 25, 2010
A very big congratulations. Oustanding photo #8416975
Usman M. Bajwa
February 26, 2010
UB. #8417465
Michael Umbreit February 27, 2010
Mike - Congratulations again this month! - Mike #8419928
Lindley Johnson
February 27, 2010
Michael S. Baker February 27, 2010
Thanks everyone! I very much appreciate the comments, kudos!Anne McKinnell March 01, 2010
Congratulations on your winner! #8425668
Joseph M. Muench
March 28, 2010
Michael S. Baker March 28, 2010
Thanks, Anne, Joseph! Glad you liked this image...macro photography is one of favorites.Regards,
Mike B- #8491765
Dominick M. Dimacale
May 05, 2010
Dominick #8589799
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