Fall Fashion [325856 Monthly Theme ]
Uploaded: December 07, 2009 02:40:48
Another Sculpture From One of Aimees Favorite Places
Thanks For The Title T
Have a Great Monday Everyone
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 80, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 6.30 mm, Model: KODAK Z740 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA
Deb Koskovich December 07, 2009
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's all I got HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAimee S. McMaster December 07, 2009
...lol...lmao Melly...is that Mr. SC?? you are too funny...but don't see him in your gallery...where'd he go?? any way what a delightful capture of this most interesting fellow....Aims #8197330Aimee S. McMaster December 07, 2009
...ooohhh there he is...he's back.... #8197331
Tammy M. Anderson
December 07, 2009
Gord MacEachern December 07, 2009
Jeff Robinson
December 07, 2009
Nikki McDonald
December 07, 2009
MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 07, 2009
Good Morning Everyone!Thanks for your Fun Comments!!
Jeff...I couldn't find a Fig Leaf
Big Enough ;0) #8197420
MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 07, 2009
LMAO At YOU NiK!!! #8197423Aimee S. McMaster December 07, 2009
...so is that SC???? #8197428Michelle Alton December 07, 2009
It's got my mouth corners twitching, Mel. What human, viewing this, could fail to smile? #8197444Douglas Pignet December 07, 2009
Nice timing Mel....LOL #8197521Amy M. Wilson December 07, 2009
Great find and capture... you Mel, are a riot!!! I'll refrain from making jokes about the small size of the leaf!!! LOLOLOL #8197543Courtenay Vanderbilt December 07, 2009
OMG, Mel, I've had a few laughs already this morning but this tops the cake!!!! I can't think of anything funnier right now! #8197608MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 07, 2009
Good Morning Folks!!Thanks so Much
Your Comments are Fantastic and Fun!!
Amy.....You Just DiD ;0)
Court....We will wait for your return!! #8197649
Linda D. Lester
December 07, 2009
Nancy L. Green
December 07, 2009
Jeana Clark December 07, 2009
Mary Beth Aiello
December 07, 2009
MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 07, 2009
Morning Girls!!Aimee Placed The Leaf ~J~
and it Took Her
FOREVER!!!!! #8197973
Gina Cormier December 07, 2009
Well...I can see why this is one of Aimee's favorite places!!! I think this might catch on for next fall. #8198018Karen Celella December 07, 2009
Thanks for the morning laugh Melodie. That must have been a fun day. #8198055Monnie Ryan December 07, 2009
OMG -- I'm still laughing, Melodie! Wonderful capture! #8198298
Mitch Spence
December 07, 2009
Lisa D. Greer December 07, 2009
HA HA HA! OMG, Love it! :D #8198493Jack Ryan December 07, 2009
Excellent...and very tasteful...composition. Very nicely composed with perfect placement of that blast of yellow in the frame. (I have other comments in mind but I think it might be better if I just "leaf" them alone. Clever...!!! #8198696
Tamara K. Walker
December 07, 2009
John Connolly December 07, 2009
I am lost for words, Mel! If this is what your girls get up to on a photo shoot, who knows where it will end! A superb fun capture, well done my friend! #8198854Mike Clime December 07, 2009
ROTFLMAO at the photo and all of the comments, especially about it taking Aimee so long to place it! #8198892
Tamara K. Walker
December 07, 2009
Aimee S. McMaster December 07, 2009
...LMAO...LMAO...LMFAO.... #8199125David Phalen December 07, 2009
Hysterical!! LMAO!!After my comment yesterday about your lost discussions I'll refrain from any more comments here or you'll lose this discussion too. :) #8199382
Tammy Espino December 07, 2009
Who was the modest one, him or you?! :)Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 07, 2009
ROTFLMSHO!!! :-) Ma #8199391Barbara Waldoch December 08, 2009
This is positively haute couture fashion, Mel!It's already your Birthday, so have a great day, enjoy it from start to finish! #8199889
Stefania Barbier
December 08, 2009
Lynne Morris December 08, 2009
Haha, this is brilliant Mel, Hope you have a wonderful Birthday my friend x #8199981Marilyn Cornwell December 08, 2009
Birthday wishes to you who is photographing birthday suits! #8201504Judy A. Lawhon December 08, 2009
Love the well placed leaf...hehehe. #8201956Joseph N. DiGilio December 09, 2009
Very cool. Very funny too. Who is more modest than you? LOL #8202692
Lisa J. Boulden
December 15, 2009
Amanda J. Tanner
December 25, 2009
Nikki McDonald
September 24, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
September 24, 2012
Stefania Barbier
September 24, 2012
Tammy Espino September 24, 2012
Congrats!!!! :) #10336911JO ANN CLEVELAND September 24, 2012
Sooo...did Eve make him get dressed? lolCongrats on this great finalist Mel!
jo ann c. #10337072
Renee Doyle September 24, 2012
LOL - Congrats on this wonderful mt finalist Mel! #10339259Jeana Clark September 25, 2012
......AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lydia Williams
September 25, 2012
Warren E. Wilson September 27, 2012
Ha! Funny!
Michele Peterson
September 29, 2012
Dominick M. Dimacale
October 02, 2012
Dominick #10350430
Liz blahh October 02, 2012
Congratulations on your winning image! #10350461Michelle Alton October 02, 2012
WooHOO!!!! What a great winner, Mel. Congratulations...BIG ones! #10350484
Diane E. Deming
October 02, 2012
Terry A. Stoa October 02, 2012
What a fun capture! Congratulations on the Winner! #10350529
Carolyn M. Fletcher
October 02, 2012
Robert R. Goodman October 02, 2012
Hi Melodie,Congratulations on this beautiful win!!!! #10350572Lynne Morris October 02, 2012
Haha what a brilliant winner Mel, Huge Congratulations on your gold badge. #10350584Kathryn Wesserling October 02, 2012
Now, THAT's funny! Great catch and photo, Melodie! And, whoever T is - perfect title. Congratulations on your 1st. #10350643Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 02, 2012
You are soooooooooo funny, congratulations! #10350653Julianne Bradford October 02, 2012
Terrific MT winner!!! Congratulations and chuckles :-) #10350658Monnie Ryan October 02, 2012
WTG Melodie! Congratulations (tee hee)! #10350672
Linda D. Lester
October 02, 2012
Mitch Spence
October 02, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
October 02, 2012
Gail Vitikacs
October 02, 2012
Jeana Clark October 02, 2012
Tamara K. Walker
October 02, 2012
Bojan Bencic
October 02, 2012
Lindley Johnson
October 02, 2012
Stefania Barbier
October 02, 2012
Mike Clime October 02, 2012
WOOHOO! Way to go Mel! #10350966
Patrick Rouzes
October 02, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND October 02, 2012
Congratulations on this very well deserved First Place win Mel! I thought we would see this with the Gold!! I just loved it..jo ann c.
JudyAnn Rector
October 02, 2012
MELODIE C. ROBERTS October 02, 2012
LMAO!!!Thanks so much everyone!!
This has me totally speechless!
(Be quiet T, J, NiK and Court ;0))
Thanks judges for picking this as a first place winner.
Thanks to all my BP pals who have a warped sense of humor!! ;0) #10351264
Lydia Williams
October 02, 2012
Lisa J. Boulden
October 02, 2012
Tammy Espino October 02, 2012
Congrats on your win :) #10351396Phyllis H. Burchett October 02, 2012
BIG congrats Melodie on this terrific winner....made me smile again!!! #10351455Renee Doyle October 02, 2012
:-) WTG Mel!! Congrats to you on this wonderful First Place Winner!! #10351516
Kathy Salerni
October 02, 2012
Emile Abbott
October 02, 2012
Amy M. Wilson October 02, 2012
Big congratulations on your EXCEPTIONAL First Place winner, Mel!!! WTG! #10351717
Claudia Kuhn
October 02, 2012
Lori A. Nevers
October 02, 2012
Nikki McDonald
October 02, 2012
Andre Larose October 02, 2012
Great imagination on this image!Very well done and congratulations :) #10352046
R. J. Laudenbacher
October 02, 2012
Ken Smith
October 02, 2012
Ellen Hodges October 02, 2012
Huge congrats on a fabulous winner, Melodie!!! #10352462
Carol Flisak
October 03, 2012
Patricia A. Casey
October 03, 2012
Usman M. Bajwa
October 05, 2012
UB. #10356283
Mary Beth Aiello
October 06, 2012
Mary L. Olson
October 08, 2012
Mary Lou #10361350
Merna L. Nobile October 19, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
David M. Montero October 27, 2012
Too funny! A belated congratulations on your win Melodie! #10386687JO ANN CLEVELAND May 06, 2013
Now how in the world did I not know this moved on from finalist! And got FIRST PLACE!!Am so glad the judges got a kick out of it too! I JUST LOVED IT.
Sooo...a BELATED congratulations Mel!
jo ann c. #10683589
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