Memorial Day Visit

Uploaded: May 30, 2005 14:45:57


f.8, 400 sec., 500mm, 650 asa, Husband visits his wife's final resting place on Memorial Day, Chuck Beckley


Sandy Driscoll level-classic May 30, 2005

This is exquisitely touching, Chuck. #255891

Bonnie C. Lackey level-classic May 30, 2005

Sandy said it perfectly... #1412525

May 30, 2005

This is beautiful Chuck... When they say "a picture says a thousand words"... this is what they're talking about!
Debi #1412576

Kerby Pfrangle May 30, 2005

Chuck very nice tribute.

Very peaceful and calming image.

Well done. Thank you for sharing.

Kerby #1412580

Sandy Landon June 21, 2005

Very moving image. Congratulations on your finalist. #1498606

Janet S. Jonas June 21, 2005

Very touching image. Tells a sad and loving story. Well done. #1499348

Doug K. Herrman June 21, 2005

Excellent use of depth of field. Great comp in that the man is on the right and is looking to the center of the image. Good catch and congrats on Finalist! #1500833

Stacy Wasmuth June 21, 2005

Powerful image - congratulations. :) #1501197

Kerby Pfrangle June 22, 2005


Good luck in the finals


Kerby #1507307

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