The  Ascent

Uploaded: May 30, 2005 13:33:24


In this simple bowl of milk we see the the reflection of a stairway which is reminiscent of our journay through life.

My entry for the Beverage theme ,Hope everyone is having great weekend:).

Taken outside light on porch using my macro lens.
Tv 1/200 Av 5.0 Lens Canon 50.0 mm


Karma Wilson May 30, 2005

Excellent!!! #255879

Paulette Plakidas May 30, 2005

Very cool, I love the reflections in the bubbles and the patterns- I guess it's the porch railing? Great shot! #1412307

Stacey M May 30, 2005

Excellent work Kelly! #1412327

Tammy Scott May 30, 2005

Very cool shot,Kelly! #1412343

Wally Orlowsky May 30, 2005

Awesomely sharp reflection ... good eye for this, Kelly. #1412371

Joy Rector May 30, 2005

Awsom image. I love it. #1412380

Debra Booth May 30, 2005

Excellent shot, Kelly! Great detail in that wonderful reflection! #1412417

Diane Dupuis May 30, 2005

Love it Kelly! #1412424

KHAWLA Haddad May 30, 2005

Thank you so much Karma, Paulette, Stacey, Tammy, Wally, Joy and Debra for all your kind words,
Yes Paulette it was stair way in porch from above. My original idea was to give my cat the milk for him to be beverage since my kids would not hear of posing had my camera in hand when notice the reflection take shot.

Carla Metzler May 30, 2005

Great reflection shot, Kelly! #1412482

Bobbie Davis May 30, 2005

Great shot Kelly!!!! I love the reflection and the narrative!!! GREAT! #1412508

Stan Kwasniowski May 30, 2005

Kelly, that is excellent

Stan Kwasniowski #1412536

Roger Bernabo May 30, 2005

excellent capture and exposure #1412541

Kerby Pfrangle May 30, 2005


The smooth creamy white milk with the bubbles coming up on the side is very beautiful and refreshing.

Nice comp and detail in this image.

THis could be ad for milk company.

Kerby #1412545

Nicole Kessel May 30, 2005

Very nicely done! #1412579

Dolores Neilson May 30, 2005

I think this is a winner,girlfriend! Love the reflections! I've seen lots of bubbles in photography but these reflections are GREAT!! #1412595

Dolores Neilson May 30, 2005

I think this is a winner,girlfriend! Love the reflections! I've seen lots of bubbles in photography but these reflections are GREAT!! #1412596

Tom Andersen May 30, 2005

Fantastic macro and wonderful reflection, Kelly! Now I know why my cat can't resist the stuff! #1412620

Katie Kunzelman May 30, 2005

Wow...I have GOT to get a macro lens! That is just beautiful. #1412637

Laura Clay-Ballard May 30, 2005

excellent! splendid! Looks like a winner to me. #1412657

KHAWLA Haddad May 30, 2005

Thank you so much Diane, Carla, Bobbie, Stan, Roger, Kerby, Nicole, Dolores, Tom and Katie for all your kind comment and engorging words.
Dolores I hope so :).
Tom tiger would not even go near it I really did try but he is like no way LOL. #1412670

KHAWLA Haddad May 30, 2005

Thank you so much Laura:). #1412703

Michelle R. Kovach May 30, 2005

Very cool Kelly! Wonderful shot! Way to pay attention! #1412721

Paul Michko May 30, 2005

Extremely awesome image, Kelly. Very well done. #1412764

Sharon Day May 30, 2005

Awesome image, Kelly!!! Wonderfully executed! #1412797

May 30, 2005

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love It, tremendously.

Yeah I think this really is a winner. Excellent! #1413204

Dee E. Strellner May 31, 2005

The photos that I enjoy the most are the ones that makes one take a new look at something that is common place. This photo certainly does that! Great work! I like the hues, detail and the reflections in the buddles. #1413282

Dan Holm May 31, 2005

WOW!! I'm sure we'll see this one again, Kelly!! Absolutely awesome! #1413310

KHAWLA Haddad May 31, 2005

Thank you so much Michelle, Paul, Sharon, Bob, Dee and Dan for your kind comment and support :).
I do hope so to see this again if not its ok too I had fun doing the theme. #1413702

Paul E. Earl May 31, 2005

Fantastic work, Kelly!! #1413710

Donald K. Cherry May 31, 2005

Outstanding work no this one Khawla! Love the composition!! #1414142

Kara L. Hendricks May 31, 2005

Wonderful clarity Kelly... Great beverage image!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! #1414376

Laurence Saliba level-classic May 31, 2005

Awesome close up Kelly!!!!!!! #1415141

KHAWLA Haddad May 31, 2005

Thank you so much Paul, Donald, Kara and Laurence for all your kind comment :). #1415346

Marsha S. Smith May 31, 2005

Very neat shot, Kelly, and wonderful that the stair reflected in the bubbles. #1415403

KHAWLA Haddad May 31, 2005

Thank you so much Marsha for taking time to comment have wonderful day:). #1415417

Mata Patan May 31, 2005

Simply and wonderful! #1415460

KHAWLA Haddad May 31, 2005

Thank you so much Mata. #1415513

Michelle Lea Guinn May 31, 2005

great image Kelly!! well captured!!! mlg #1415641

Stephen Zacker May 31, 2005

Good eye and cool image #1415952

Judy S. Fung May 31, 2005

Neat image, Kelly! Terrific capture! #1416010

Susan T. Evans level-classic May 31, 2005

Absolutely awesome, I think this is a winner too, awesome reflections!!! #1416084

Goshka G. May 31, 2005

Wonderful bubbles and reflections, Kelly!! #1416093

Claudia Kuhn level-classic May 31, 2005

Very cool reflection shot Kelly! Love the white on white. #1416097

Danilo Piccioni June 01, 2005

WONDERFUL! #1417041

KHAWLA Haddad June 01, 2005

Thank you so much michelle, Stephen,Judy, Susan, Goshka, Claudia and Dado for all your kind comment:).
wish everyone great day #1417732

Michael Khoury June 01, 2005

well-seen and composed Khawla!... #1417853

KHAWLA Haddad June 01, 2005

Thank you so much Michael :). #1420147

Kate Jackson June 02, 2005

Those reflections certainly make you think and all those lovely bubbles look great!! #1423780

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 02, 2005

Outstanding image!! Such creativity!! #1424566

KHAWLA Haddad June 02, 2005

Thank you so much Kate and Donna for your kind words :). #1424823

Lori Carlson June 03, 2005

This is sooooo neat and creative Khawla! What an enjoyable photo!! :0) #1427650

KHAWLA Haddad June 04, 2005

Thank you so Much Lori :). #1429098

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe June 04, 2005

Delightfully creative!!
Kathleen #1429204

KHAWLA Haddad June 04, 2005

Thank you so much Kathleen:). #1429652

Donna Roberts June 05, 2005

Catching up on the images I have been missing out on - this is so simple but very effective Khawla.
Love the detail you have captured - very well done.
:-) from 'downunder' #1431803

KHAWLA Haddad June 05, 2005

Thanks so much Donna I know the feeling of missing so many photos cant get to them all since its so many and little time have great weekend :). #1432993

June 13, 2005

interesting use of lighting . I love it so simple but yet speaks out widely!!! I love it!!!tonya #1465195

KHAWLA Haddad June 13, 2005

Thank you so much Tonya! #1465653

Alisha L. Ekstrom June 21, 2005

Way to go Kelly!!! Congrats on this being a finalist!!! Good luck!!!:) #1498168

Colleen Braun June 21, 2005

Congratulations... #1498570

Sandy Landon June 21, 2005

Congratulations and good eye! #1498623

Donald K. Cherry June 21, 2005

Congrats on this wonderful finalist, Kelly! #1498802

Tom Andersen June 21, 2005

Congratulations on this terrific finalist, Kelly! #1498826

Stan Kwasniowski June 21, 2005

Kelly, congratulaitons

Stan K #1498943

Claudette Foote June 21, 2005

Congrats on this wonderful finalist, Kelly! #1499335

Tammy Scott June 21, 2005

Congratulations, Kelly! #1499771

Cindy Paquette June 21, 2005

Kelly! This image is downright AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS! #1499918

KHAWLA Haddad June 21, 2005

Thank you so much Alisha , Colleen, Sandy ,Donald, Tom, Stan, Claudette, Tammy, Cindy !!! very happy today to get my first finalist I Can screem :). #1500268

Leonard Pierce June 21, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS on your first finalist Kelly!!! I know there will be many, many more! #1500509

Terry L. Ellis level-classic June 21, 2005

Very cool shot, Khawla! Congrats to you on your finalist!! #1500646

Doug K. Herrman June 21, 2005

Congrats on Finalist. Wonderfully creative image; who would have thought... #1500870

KHAWLA Haddad June 21, 2005

Thank you so much Len, Terry and Doug !!
Doug me too when I Pourd the milk was supose to be for the cat shot but could not pass these refeliction. #1501300

Kara L. Hendricks June 21, 2005

A BIG congrats to you Kelly!!! WTG and good luck!!
We both got a finalist on our beverage shot!! woohooo!!! #1501381

Serena Pierce level-classic June 21, 2005

Congratulations!! #1501587

Susana Ms Heide June 21, 2005

Many congrats on this great Macro!!! WTG on the beverage theme!!! #1501787

Melissa L. Zavadil June 21, 2005

Congrats Kelly!! WTG!!!!! Nice details and clear shot on the bubbles! #1501970

Cesar J. La Rosa June 21, 2005

Congratulations on this wonderful Finalist, Kelly!!! #1501992

June 21, 2005

One of my favorites, this and thecarnival shot.

Way to go.

Good Luck #1502161

June 22, 2005

Wonderful shot Khawla !
Congrats on this well deserved finalist! #1502568

Judy S. Fung June 22, 2005

Congrats, Kelly! #1502666

Mata Patan June 22, 2005


Paul E. Earl June 22, 2005

Congrautaltions, Kelly!!!!!!!! #1502693

Alan L. Borror June 22, 2005

Amazing finalist, Kelly! Great stuff!!!! #1503470

DiAnna F. Paulk June 22, 2005

Wonderful image, Khawla!! Congratulations on your finalist medal!! #1503625

cj patterson June 22, 2005

Congratulations on this well deserved finalist!!! #1504089

S J June 22, 2005

Congratulations on this wonderful Finalist, Kelly!! #1504213

Olivia Navarro June 22, 2005

Congratulations Kelly! What a great shot this is!!! #1504423

Kristin M. Morales June 22, 2005

The simplicity of the subject and the complexity of the reflections and added meaning made this one of my favorite entries. Congrats on your well seen and executed photograph. #1504512

Casey A. Hanson June 22, 2005

Way to go, Kelly! Congrats on your finalist! :0) #1504526

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 22, 2005

Congrats Kelly!!!!!!!!! #1504704

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 22, 2005

Congrats to you Kelly, on this cool finalist! #1504845

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic June 22, 2005

Creative different shot! Big congrats! #1504960

Susan T. Evans level-classic June 22, 2005

congrats #1505537

KHAWLA Haddad June 22, 2005

Thank you so much Kara, Serena, Susana, Melissa, Cesar, Bob, Her Rina, Judy , Mata, Paull, Alan,DiAnna,CJ, Sanjay, Olivia,Kristin, Casey, Laurence, Deb, Mette and Susan I really appreciate all your support! #1505964

Goshka G. June 22, 2005

Congrats on all your finalists, Kelly!! #1506441

KHAWLA Haddad June 22, 2005

Thank you so much Goshka! #1506459

Stanley J. Contrades June 22, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS and the very best of luck in the next phase of judging with this Finalist, Kelly!!
Much Aloha,

Debra Booth June 22, 2005

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Kelly! #1507985

Lisa Deaton June 22, 2005

Very creative Macro...Nice job and congrats!!! #1508198

Danilo Piccioni June 23, 2005

I am so HAPPY this made it big time!!!!!
Congratulations on this terrific WIN! #1508689

Jim Kinnunen level-classic June 23, 2005

Congratulations on this very unique winning image, Kelly!!!! #1508751

Stanley J. Contrades June 23, 2005

Excellent capture and an even better win, Kelly!! CONGRATULATIONS on a job very well seen and presented!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1508913

Colleen Braun June 23, 2005

congratulations... #1509038

Michael Khoury June 23, 2005

A BIG congrats Kelly! #1509054

Tom Andersen June 23, 2005

Congratulation on this wonderful winner, Kelly! #1509071

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005

Thank you so much Stan, Debra, Lisa, Dado, Jim, Colleen, Michael and Tom !!
This is the best suprise to wake up to I m very happy :) . thank you everyone ! #1509211

Tammy Scott June 23, 2005

Congratulations on an awesome win, Kelly! #1509277

Alan L. Borror June 23, 2005

congratulations on this beautiful winner, Kelly! #1509375

Patricia A. Kuniega June 23, 2005

Only you could capture the world so strikingly in milk bubbles! Marvelous eye and camera work, Kelly! Congratulations on your win!!! #1509379

Mata Patan June 23, 2005

Many many many many CONGRATULATIONS!!!
WAY TO GOOOOOOOO!!! #1509439

Cindy Paquette June 23, 2005

Kelly, a SUPERB win! CONGRATULATIONS! #1509474

Lani T. Broadbent level-classic June 23, 2005

Kelly, Congratulations on the Second Place Win! I love your photos! #1509507

Dolores Neilson June 23, 2005 doubt about it. As I mentioned's a winner! Yeahh!! Congrats!! #1509571

Laura Clay-Ballard June 23, 2005

congrats on this awesome WINNING image! #1509685

Stan Kwasniowski June 23, 2005

Kelly, congratulations, on being a WINNER

Stam k #1509730

Anita Hogue June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your awesome win, Kelly!!! This is excellent!! #1509783

Diane Addonizio level-classic June 23, 2005

congratulations! #1509911

Joe Terni June 23, 2005

Congratulations Kelly,a well deserved win.Its a fantastic shot. #1509915

Sharon Day June 23, 2005

BIG Congratulations on your second place win, Kelly!!! WTG on one of our group's themes! Great job! #1509957

Dale Ann Cubbage June 23, 2005

Many congrats on this creative win!!

da #1510068

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe June 23, 2005

WTG Kelly!!! Awesome shot, great text!! Congratulations!



Claudette Foote June 23, 2005

Congratulations on this very unique winning image, Kelly!!!!


Jill Flynn June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your SECOND PLACE WIN Kelly!!!!! #1510256

Olivia Navarro June 23, 2005

Congratulations Kelly!!!! This is awesome! #1510261

Laurence Saliba level-classic June 23, 2005

A BIG CONGRATS Kelly!!!!!!!! Well deserved win. #1510351

Casey A. Hanson June 23, 2005

Congrats Kelly, on this awesome win! :0) #1510375

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005

Thank you so much Tammy, Alan, Pat, Mata, Cindy, Lani, Dolores, Laura, Stan, Anita, Diane, Joe, Sharon, Dale Ann, Larry, Claudette, Jill, Olivia, Laurence and Casey I m so thrilled today to get my first win thank you guys for your support and help me grow you guys the best!!!
Sharon me too so gald that it win on our theme what awesome group!! #1510525

Heather Inich June 23, 2005

Congratulations Kelly!!! WOOO HOOO!!! #1510563

Susan T. Evans level-classic June 23, 2005

Big Congrats Kelly!!! awesome work! #1510600

June 23, 2005

Great shot, and congradulations on the finalist. #1510699

Donald K. Cherry June 23, 2005

Congrats on this very cool winner, Kelly!! #1510846

Jennifer Rennison June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your second place win, Kelly! #1510885

June 23, 2005

Great job Kelly!
Congratulations on your win! Well deserved! #1510932

Melissa L. Zavadil June 23, 2005

WAY TO GO!!! Congrats on your second place winner!!!! Kelly this is soo cool and so well deserved!!! #1511000

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005

Thank you so much Heather, Susan, Opal, Donald, Jennifer, HerRina and Milissa ! #1511042

Linda D. Lester level-classic June 23, 2005

Way to go! Congratulations! #1511086

Kara L. Hendricks June 23, 2005

Congratulations Kelly!!!! Way to go!!! #1511333

Lori Carlson June 23, 2005

Congratulatons Khawla!! You've had a fun month with well deserved recognition!! :0) #1511457

Goshka G. June 23, 2005

Congrats on this bubbly winner, Kelly!! #1511487

Deborah Sandidge June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your creative win, Kelly! #1511492

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 23, 2005

Got milk...Got a winner, congrats to you Kelly, well deserved! #1511579

Marsha S. Smith June 23, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS, KELLY!! This was soooo cool! #1511806

Leanne M.E. Boyd June 23, 2005

Congratulations Kelly! Very well done! #1511820

Ermanno Radice June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your win, Kelly! #1511866

Terry L. Ellis level-classic June 23, 2005

Congratulations on this very creative win, Kelly! #1511968

Bobbie Davis June 23, 2005


Debra Booth June 23, 2005

WTG, Kelly! Congratulations!! #1512191

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005

Thank you so much Linda, Kara, Lori, Goshka, Deborah , Deb, Marsha, Leanne, Emanno, Terry, Bobbie and Debra !!
this is been such great day for me still flying LOL. its been wonderful couple days could not do it with you guys thank you so much for all your help and support and daily encouragement to help me grow such great coumminty thanks everyone!! #1512239

Darren K. Fisher June 23, 2005

Yahoo.....Way to go Kelly. This is so very well done. #1512608

Doug K. Herrman June 23, 2005

Dyn-O-Myte!! #1512681

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your win Kelly!!! #1512709

Theresa Marie Jones level-deluxe June 23, 2005

Magnificent! CONGRATULATIONS Kelly!
Treat yourself to a big milk shake! #1512738

KHAWLA Haddad June 23, 2005

Thank you so much Darren, Doug , Adilson and Theresa !!
Wish I can treat my self with shake but that get me sick hehehh do love it but cant drink it my kids sure will drink one for me tho lol . #1512779

Carol Brill June 23, 2005

Kelly, congratulations on your win with this stunning macro! #1513244

Souha Dooly June 23, 2005

Congratulations on your win ,Kelly!!great shot!! #1513455

Donna Roberts June 23, 2005

WTG Kelly - this is so well deserved and I am so happy to see it with a yellow second place plaque.
Excellent result!
:-) from 'downunder' #1513456

Phil Sauvey June 24, 2005


Well, I love milk and I love this photograph! Congrats on your BIG win and YOU GO GIRL! #1513582

Jenny Bosmans June 24, 2005

Great win, Kelly!!! Congratulations!!!! #1513793

KHAWLA Haddad June 24, 2005

Thank you so much Carol, Southa, Donna, SNSPLS, and Jenny!! #1514463

S J June 24, 2005

Congratulations on this outstanding WIN, Kelly!! #1514672

Piotr M. Organa June 24, 2005

This is so cool, Kelly! Wow.
Congratulations!!! #1515243

Gail Vitikacs level-classic June 24, 2005

Way to go Kelly!!!! So happy you go this! Congratulations! #1515385

Kathleen Clemons June 24, 2005

Congratulations, Kelly! #1516225

KHAWLA Haddad June 24, 2005

Thank you so much Sanjay, Piotr, Gail and Kathleen!!! #1516574

Mary N C. Taitt June 24, 2005

This picture makes me thirsty. Very imaginative! COngratulations! mary #1516896

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 24, 2005

Cool image Kelly, congrats!!! #1516954

Evy Johansen level-classic June 24, 2005

Wow - wonderful macro, Kelly! Many congratulations on a well deserved win! #1517219

KHAWLA Haddad June 24, 2005

Thank you so much Mary, Cludia and Evy ! #1517302

Judy S. Fung June 24, 2005

Congrats on your win, Kelly!! #1517625

Wally Orlowsky June 25, 2005

Congratulations on this creative and well-seen winner, Kelly! #1517928

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic June 25, 2005

Congrats! #1518110

Stephen Zacker June 25, 2005

Good eye and super perspective. Congratulations #1518551

Susana Ms Heide June 25, 2005

YOU did it Kelly!!!! What a yummy winner indeed!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! #1520615

Erland Pillegaard June 26, 2005

Great picture Kelly I like it #1520667

Colette M. Metcalf June 26, 2005

Congratulations to you Kelly!!! Terrific image! #1520792

KHAWLA Haddad June 26, 2005

Thank you Judy, Wally, Mette, Stephen, Susana, Erland and Colette!! #1520850

Joy Rector June 26, 2005

Congrats on your win. #1521156

Terry R. Hatfield June 26, 2005

Very Stunning Khawla!!Most People Would see Just The Milk:-)Congratulations On Your Excellent Winning Image!! #1521316

KHAWLA Haddad June 26, 2005

Thank you so much Joy and Terry! #1522769

Lori S. Aschbrenner June 27, 2005

Congrats, Kelly!! #1527706

Kerby Pfrangle June 27, 2005

Congrats Kelly on a well earned winning image.

Well done. Kerby

KHAWLA Haddad June 27, 2005

Thank you so much Lori and Kerby! #1528462

Wren Hendrick June 27, 2005

What imagination and creativity!!! Congratulations and well--deserved!!!! #1528743

Joyce ONeil July 01, 2005

Now why didn't I think of that! Wonderful, creative work! It is a very refreshing image. Congrats! #1543983

KHAWLA Haddad July 01, 2005

Thank you so much Wren and Joyce! #1544063

Liandra Barry level-deluxe July 10, 2005

Very creative Khawla... the things we take for granted! Superbe photo. #1577009

Keith L. Clayton July 11, 2005

Really spectacular. It is inspiring to say the least. #1581899

KHAWLA Haddad July 11, 2005

Thank you so much Liandra and Keith ! #1581964

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