Hold On Tight... [Contest Pre Finalists November 2019]
Uploaded: June 16, 2009 00:19:54 | Entered: January 18, 2020 08:55:10
The little girl spotted a koi fish as she was playing by the side of the pond! A relative held on to her so she wouldn't fall in.
June 4, 2009
RAW / Aperture Priority / 250 mm
F 7.1 @ 1/200 ISO 200
Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, FocalLength: 250.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
Tiia Vissak June 16, 2009
a great MT image! #1141990Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 16, 2009
Stefania BarbierContact Stefania
Stefania's Gallery
member since: 9/1/2006
ahhh she looks like she's falling right in... I wonder why kids are so fascinated with water... fantastic capture Donna!
Tommy E. Burgess June 16, 2009
A really precious moment caught here Donna!! She is really intent on checking the fish out closer. Wonderful timing. #7634758Raymond Pauly June 16, 2009
Very cute capture, Donna. #7634764Ann Coates June 16, 2009
Great moment captured here Donna. I'm sure glad there was somebody close by. #7634788Brett Dolsen June 16, 2009
Wonderfull candid capture and storytelling image Donna!!Great clarity and composition!!Brett #7634958Joy Rector June 16, 2009
love this shot #7635589Cassie L. Woodlee June 16, 2009
Perfect timing Donna, adorable capture!!! #7635702ROLAN NARMAN June 16, 2009
Great composition and timing Donna! Wonderful image for the MT! #7636024Pat Gamwell June 16, 2009
Terrific human-interest shot, Donna! I LOVE it! #7636388Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 16, 2009
Thank you for all of your great comments! When I saw this scene unfolding, I ran to get closer. I had one chance to capture this photograph before the baby was pulled away from the koi pond.Thanks again,
Jeana Clark June 16, 2009
~J~ #7636669
Julianne Bradford June 16, 2009
Terrific timing and capture Donna! Wonderful color and entry for MT! #7636709Husain Akhtar June 16, 2009
Very cool action shot indeed! #7636720Marilyn Cornwell June 16, 2009
I am awestruck that everything matches - the outfits, the grass...This image is so beautifully at ease with colour, composition and lighting so that the action is divinely serene! #7637505
Barbara Waldoch June 16, 2009
Beautifully captured, Donna! #7637572Kathy Cline June 16, 2009
Hey Donna!! I love this and its perfect for the monthly theme. Im also curious if you got to photograph the lily's in the pond in the background?Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 16, 2009
Thank you for all of your very kind comments!!And yes Kathy, the water lillies were amazingly beautiful.
Donna #7637940
Sam Britt June 16, 2009
Cute photo, great theme entry, Donna. #7638036Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 17, 2009
Thank you Sam! #7641522Joannie Bertucci June 17, 2009
I love this candid shot Donna! Grandpas always come in handy! :-) #7641893Bob D. Hall June 18, 2009
Very touching and full of human interest! #7643941Howard B. Cheek June 19, 2009
Cute shot & technically well done.Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 19, 2009
Thank you Joannie, Bob and Howard! #7648257Diane L. Thomas June 19, 2009
Here he is the new Olympic swimmer. Great capture of a moment in time. A keeper for sure. #7649632Diane L. Thomas June 19, 2009
Sorry Donna I see the bow now. #7649671Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 19, 2009
Thank you Diane! #7651281Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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