Reflections of Spring Break
Uploaded: March 20, 2005 12:02:31
Who would guess that beyond these pretty, colorful boat reflections some wild, chaotic and drunken activity was ensuing? The location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona, last weekend.
katie anaya March 20, 2005
great color usage here patricia. did you use any software to saturate the colors more or is this the original image? #227136Paula Showen March 20, 2005
Those colors just pop! Great composition, Patricia! #1193237Stephen Zacker March 20, 2005
Super composition and colors. Like those reflections #1193240Lori Carlson March 20, 2005
Patricia, I really really really like this!!! So, lets just say I love it!Patricia Marroquin March 20, 2005
Thank you very much, Katie, Paula, Stephen and Lori.Katie, these colors were already pretty vivid, but I did punch them up with a couple of filters: Brilliance/Warmth and Skylight, both by nik multimedia. I use those filters on pretty much every image; I love the results.
Lori, that's so kind of you, thanks again.
Here's the wild and crazy chaotic spring break scene just beyond the reflections. #1193380
Patricia Marroquin March 20, 2005
Thank you very much, Katie, Paula, Stephen and Lori.Katie, these colors were already pretty vivid, but I did punch them up with a couple of filters: Brilliance/Warmth and Skylight, both by nik multimedia. I use those filters on pretty much every image; I love the results.
Lori, that's so kind of you, thanks again.
Here's the wild and crazy chaotic spring break scene just beyond the reflections. #1193383
Carol Brill March 20, 2005
Love those brilliant hues as well as the abstract patterns you captured in the reflections, Patricia! #1193458Noel Baebler March 20, 2005
Wild, chaotic, drunken behavior...! How 'bout a "heads up" next time, Patricia! LOL #1193657S J March 20, 2005
Wow!! Excellent capture and composition, Patricia!! Love those colors and reflections. #1193882Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 20, 2005
Absolutely beautiful!! Awesome colors and reflections!! #1193900Stanley J. Contrades March 20, 2005
Brilliant, bright, and vivid colors both on the subjects and the reflections, Patricia! Stunning and beautifully presented!!Patricia Marroquin March 22, 2005
Thank you so much, Carol, Noel, Sanjay, Donna and Stan! :-) Noel, sorry I fell down on the job (so to speak)! I will issue an alert next time. LOL! #1198222Dan Holm March 22, 2005
Awesome shot, Patricia!!I absolutely love it! #1198295Patricia Marroquin March 22, 2005
Thank you, Dan! :-) #1198443Terry R. Hatfield March 27, 2005
Awesome Comp My Colorful Lady:-)Patricia Marroquin March 27, 2005
The lady doth thank Mr. Terry. Thank you, kind sir. :-) #1209729bob cornelison April 01, 2005
I love the colors! I think I'm having a flashback from the 70'S! Should be a finalist!Patricia Marroquin April 02, 2005
Thanks, Bob! I have flashbacks from the '70s all the time. LOL! #1224674Janet L. Skinner April 21, 2005
Congratulations, Pat!!!!!!!!! #1273262S J April 21, 2005
Many Congratulations on this outstanding Finalist, Patricia!! #1273765
Claudia Kuhn
April 21, 2005
Lori Carlson April 21, 2005
Congratulations to you!! :0) #1276174Marta Azevedo April 21, 2005
Great composition and colors. Congrats #1276231Noel Baebler April 21, 2005
Huzzah, Particia! #1276646Karen Engelbreth April 21, 2005
Congratulations Patricia :0)! #1277608
Deborah Lewinson
April 21, 2005
Carla Metzler April 22, 2005
Congratulations, Patricia! #1279928Patricia Marroquin April 25, 2005
Thank you, Janet, Sanjay, Claudia, Lori, Marta, Noel, Karen, Deborah and Carla! Sorry, I have been out of town and that's why this message was delayed. :-) #1290463Amber Kennedy July 26, 2007
This is BRILLIANT! I love it! #4561992Patricia Marroquin July 27, 2007
Amber, thank you for your compliment. I appreciate it. #4566230Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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