girl chasing seagulls [20936 People ]
Uploaded: March 09, 2005 19:51:24
ont the beach at the end of the day
Roseann E. Dreasher March 09, 2005
Absolutely fabulous!!!! #223285Kelly S. Andrews March 09, 2005
Beautiful! The colors are terrific - I love the warm glow on the girl. It almost looks like a painting. #1160677Leanne M.E. Boyd March 10, 2005
Gorgeous shot Mary! #1160838Mary Oei March 10, 2005
Thank you! #1162272Michelle Lea Guinn March 10, 2005
Love this picture!!! Wonderfully done!! mlg #1162323Larry Brown March 22, 2005
Poetry in motuion! Visually exciting... #1197588Nancy Grace Chen April 21, 2005
A great shot with great feeling... CONGRATULATIONS on your first place win!!Nancy #1279018
Dan Holm April 21, 2005
Wow!! CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome FIRST PLACE win, Mary!! #1279099Jordi Delgado April 22, 2005
Wonderful shot, Mary!! Congratulations on this 1st place win!!:-)) #1279258
Judith G. Secco April 22, 2005
Really great image. Congratulations!!! #1280175Diane Dupuis April 22, 2005
Congrats! Gorgeous shot! #1280180Piotr M. Organa April 22, 2005
Congratulations on your fabulous win and your beautiful photo, Mary!Mary Oei April 22, 2005
Thank you!! I'm sooo happy! #1280678Patricia A. Kuniega April 22, 2005
I love how she appears to take flight with them! It's as if her wonderful spirit is rising with the gulls. Magnificant!! Congratulations, Mary! #1280756Tom Andersen April 22, 2005
Congratulations on your win, Mary! I really love the action, lighting and color! Wonderful work! #1280851Claudette Foote April 22, 2005
Beautiful! The colors are terrific - I love the warm glow on the girl. It almost looks like a painting. Congratulation!!!!#1280999
Cathy Barrows April 22, 2005
Congrats on your win! the way she looks as though she is flying too #1281843Wendy Stevenson April 22, 2005
Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE WIN Mary. A really wonderful feel to this image!! #1281911Jonna Bergström April 23, 2005
Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Mary!! #1282730Kristen McKain April 23, 2005
Such an awesome capture. Wonderfully done. Congrats to you. #1283638Leonard Pierce April 24, 2005
Congratulations on your First Place win Mary!!! #1286651Patrick Campbell April 24, 2005
Composition, lighting, timing, subject matter--this photo has it all. Many congrats, Mary! #1287192Mary Oei April 24, 2005
Thank you all! #1287861Nancy Donnell April 25, 2005
Wow, Mary, this is wonderful. The warm glow on her skin, and the fact that she is airborne..really add to the magic. #1291039Dolores Neilson April 26, 2005
This is quite wonderful, Mary! Love the late evening light...and the fact that there are still alot of gulls in the frame despite the fact she is chasing them! Everytime my daughter even starts to approach them, all of them are gone! ENjoy your win!!
Photography by Dolores #1292017
Mary Oei April 26, 2005
Yes, I told her to walk to them very quietly and when I would say go, she would run. And that worked pretty well. #1292119Sandra Freyler October 02, 2005
Congratulations! Great capture and wonderful shot! #1909044Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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