Feels So Good
Uploaded: March 17, 2008 12:44:54 | Entered: September 14, 2018 18:58:09
Staff Favorite - August 2014
3rd resubmission for September 11, 2018
Category: Cats (Animals)
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1563/1000000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 64,64, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 9.40 mm, Model: KODAK P712 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA
Robyn A. Terrell March 17, 2008
Absolutey love this...great capture, great work.Anna M. Halasz March 17, 2008
..wow..Nikki..this is a great photo.Fantastic B&W. Anna #5653975Datha Y. Thompson March 17, 2008
Im a Big Fan of this Image too Nikki!! LOVE it!! In my Favs :0) #5654222Mitch Spence March 17, 2008
The epitome of cat content, Nikki. The sweeping line of the chair leg and the spot of light at its top are the perfect attention draw for his ecstatic rub. #5654248Nikki McDonald March 17, 2008
Thanks, Mitch--more than anyone else can know :)Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 17, 2008
It's a wonderful shot, Nikki, and deserves another shot!!!!! ♫ k #5654636Ken Smith March 17, 2008
THe more I look at it, the more it grows on me...I really like the lighting and how the cat is pressed into the chrome! #5655233Susan M. Hembree March 17, 2008
A favorite of mine, too. Glad you are re-submitting it, Nikki! #5655570Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 17, 2008
How sweet, excellent timing and tones Nikki! #5655652Dr. Harmeet Singh March 17, 2008
This is beautiful image.Well done,Nikki. #5655738Stefania Barbier March 17, 2008
AHHHWWWWWW so cuteeeeeee!!!!! exceptional timing, capture and tones! #5655891Ron Roberts March 18, 2008
Looks like it was a perfect fit!!!Anne M. Young March 18, 2008
Fantastic cat shot....... #5657206Derrald R. Farnsworth-Livingston March 18, 2008
Wow, cool shot, I love the black and white. #5658030Jeana Clark March 18, 2008
~J~ #5659490
Louise Kumpf March 18, 2008
Well, I didn't see the earlier version, Nikki, but this is fantastic! Brillant in every way! #5660114Colleen Farrell March 18, 2008
So glad you're resubmitting this, Nikki--I remember it, and love it. I don't know what you changed. I believe it was in b&w before, which is *perfect* for this image. Definitely deserves to win--I'd also like to see it as POTD. #5660981Sherran Andersen March 20, 2008
Great capture! Sherran #5671025Jeana Clark March 23, 2008
~J~ #5683905
MELODIE C. ROBERTS March 23, 2008
Okay so I am Late!!Lori Carlson April 26, 2008
This is one of the best cat photos I have ever seen, Nikki!! :0)Susan M. Hembree August 30, 2008
I always loved this shot, Nikki, and am so glad that it was picked for POTD at Kodak, even if I was late to see it. Congratulations! #6390279Ivan Chacon September 13, 2009
Great shot Nikki! :) #7939056Mitch Spence September 13, 2009
I don't know exactly what your rework was, but this was and is a great shot, the epitome of cat behavior, first, and a wonderful graphic black and white, second, and no less important. #7939507Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. September 13, 2009
Great lines and contrast on this shot, Nikki! I love it, and I'm not even a cat lover, ha! #7940320Cathy Barrows September 13, 2009
very intriguing comp #7940456Stefania Barbier September 14, 2009
ahwww adorable Nikki, and love the tones! #7940860Errick L. Cameron September 23, 2014
Purrrfect! #11141783John D. Roach December 26, 2018
Congrats....very cute. #11743259Leslie McLain December 26, 2018
Congrats on a fantastic finalist and POTD, Nikki. #11743262Jill Odice December 26, 2018
Lovely tones in the sweet image Nikki! Congrats on your POTD! #11743263Terry A. Stoa December 26, 2018
Congratulations on your POTD badge! If only we could be as happy as this cat is in your photo. The angles are nice and the eye is drawn right to it's dreamy-happy face. #11743265Amanda D. Austwick December 26, 2018
Cute cat image! Congratulations on your POTD! #11743272Nancy L. Green December 26, 2018
SO cute and SO cat, WTG and congratulations!! <>< #11743287Michele Peterson December 26, 2018
One of my favorites, I love the light! Congratulations on the POTD, Nikki! #11743299Mitch Spence December 26, 2018
As you know, this is a long-time favorite of mine. And, whoopee, kitty gets the potd. #11743306Sara B Coffey December 26, 2018
Really great perspective Nikki! Congratulations! #11743308Sara B Coffey December 26, 2018
Really great perspective Nikki! Congratulations! #11743309Anita Bower December 26, 2018
What a fun photo. #11743319Joanna Kovalcsik December 27, 2018
Congratulations on your sweet POTD, Nikki! #11743343Susan M. Smith December 27, 2018
I love it! Congrats on your POTD! #11743347Susan M. Smith December 27, 2018
I love it! Congrats on your POTD! #11743348Chuck Green December 27, 2018
Congrats, Nikki, on your splendid finalist and POTD! <>< #11743459Lydia Williams December 28, 2018
Wow, Nikki, this is a wonderful image. Congratulations on your finalist and POTD awards! #11743463Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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