VENETIAN BOATS [Contest Finalists January 2016]
Uploaded: March 13, 2008 03:05:26 | Entered: September 28, 2018 22:01:35
(((~~ TRAVEL & PLACE ~~)))
Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 10.20 mm, Model: EX-Z50
Paul E. Earl March 13, 2008
A lovely scene and capture!! #876386Colette M. Metcalf March 13, 2008
Very nice capture!!! #5635823Aimee S. McMaster March 13, 2008
.....wonderful pov and composition Dominick...Aimee #5635838Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 13, 2008
WOW fantastic pov and convertion Dominick, Beautiful capture!!! #5635846Holly J. Jackson March 13, 2008
Love the Comp and B&W! ; ) #5635849Bill Wyatt March 13, 2008
Beautiful! The composition and details are terrific! #5635952Sandra Anderson March 13, 2008
Great capture and conversion Dominick. #5635953MELODIE C. ROBERTS March 13, 2008
Morning DominickDouglas Pignet March 13, 2008
Great capture here Dominick,Doug #5635993Carol Sawyer March 13, 2008
Beautiful scene,great POV details and convertion, Dominick! #5635996Renee Doyle March 13, 2008
Excellent b&w treatment Dominick!!!! Fantastic tones and detail! #5636059Robyn A. Terrell March 13, 2008
Love the POV...I want to just hop right in!Janet Daniel March 13, 2008 the B/W, Dominick! #5636111Mukesh Srivastava March 13, 2008
Fantastic POV and capture Dominick!!! #5636142
Claudia Kuhn
March 13, 2008
Janet McNeil
March 13, 2008
Bill Knaps March 13, 2008
A great B&W Dominick. Bill #5636228
Su Sana E. P
March 13, 2008
Robert R. Goodman March 13, 2008
Excellent capture,Dominick.Beautiful B&W!!!!! #5636281Jim Huffield March 13, 2008
Awesome work, Dominick. Jim #5636464Deb Koskovich March 13, 2008
Perfect comp, Dominick. I love how the boat in the foreground takes center stage. #5636505frank w. degenhardt March 13, 2008
Dominick- Good morning to you.
Kay E. Mahoney
March 13, 2008
Kathy Reeves March 13, 2008
I agree with Frank!!!! Another superb image!!! #5636620Cyn Valentine March 13, 2008
Terrific detail and comp Dominick..awesome image!!! #5636632
Donna K. Kilcher
March 13, 2008
Linda Blair March 13, 2008
Great scene and it in b&w!!!!! ☺ #5636878Tiia Vissak March 13, 2008
great tones, light & pov! #5636934Mary Timman March 13, 2008
Oh I love the B&W and great composition. #5637159
Patrick Rouzes
March 13, 2008
Marina Moore March 13, 2008
Wow!!! Great detail and tones. Your comp is always wonderful. :) #5637446Daniella Puente March 13, 2008
Lovely BW photo of this place Dominick, this looks very contrasted and focused! #5637511
Mike D. Perez
March 13, 2008
Nadya Johnson March 13, 2008
Excellent work on this outstanding b&w, Dominick! #5637856
Stefania Barbier
March 13, 2008
Joseph N. DiGilio March 13, 2008
This must have been some photo shoot, Dominick. You sure got a lot of primo pics. This was a great selection for B&W conversion. Wonderful composition & detail. #5638680Jennifer L. Alder March 13, 2008
Wonderful pov, contrasts, treatment and depth, Dominick! Awesome work here! :) #5638747Michelle Alton March 13, 2008
Wonderful everything Dominick. The composition, the POV, the b&W. All perfect.Susan M. Campbell March 13, 2008
Very nice B&W. I really like the clarity. We can see so much detail in the buildings in the background. Great work Dominick. #5639136
Elida Gutierrez
March 13, 2008
Marilyn K. Lincecum
March 13, 2008
Fu Yung . March 14, 2008
luv it the compo , nice BW with good contrast ... #5640678Anna M. Halasz March 14, 2008
Great scene.Fantastic B&W. Anna #5641362Lorraine A. Cook March 14, 2008
Beautiful POV...and SUPER in B+W, Dominick!<:)) #5642151Joan Powell March 14, 2008
Excellent image , love the tones ! #5643819
Les Rhoades
March 15, 2008
Reynaldo D. Reyes
March 15, 2008
Toni Riggs March 17, 2008
Beautiful image! #5652029william r. griffin March 17, 2008
Love the pop ( the contrast) you are getting on your b/w shots, some really nice b/w shots here recently. #5654738Erin Tyler March 18, 2008
Beautiful black & white! #5660412
Guy D. Biechele
March 20, 2008
Nikki McDonald
March 21, 2008
Garth D. Beatty
April 02, 2008
Marilyn Flanagan April 06, 2008
Ah Venice. Thank you for your interpretation. Very beautiful in B&W. #5750656Steven W. Lepak April 09, 2008
Bravo Dominick! Love the b&w treatment. Wonderful comp and contrast. Keep up the great work - your portfolio is stunning. Best Regards, Steven #5766625Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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