Uploaded: August 30, 2004 01:55:44
kind of spooky. image was desaturated, hand tinted, with moon inserted
Donna J. Taff August 30, 2004
I love it, Roger!!!!!!! It does have a spooky look to it!!!!!!! #163581Kasia Elser August 30, 2004
Nice one! #744390Sharon Day August 30, 2004
Wow, nice job!!! I love the composition effects you've created here. Excellent work!!! #744779Murry Grigsby August 30, 2004
Looks like the Adams family may live here? Nice image and effects Roger!! #744894
Kelly Abernathy
August 30, 2004
Sal August 30, 2004
Nice work. #746099
Wendy M. Amdahl
August 30, 2004
Deborah Sandidge September 13, 2004
Spooky and very clever, great work, Roger - congratulations! #774771Donna J. Taff September 13, 2004
Congratulation's, Roger!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!! #774968
Kelly Abernathy
September 13, 2004
Cathy T. Vettes September 13, 2004
Way to be Roger !! Congradulations !!! #775982Isabel L September 13, 2004
Congratulations!! very spooky and mysterious! #776144Cathy Barrows September 14, 2004
Congrats! of luck to you #777463
Gail Vitikacs
September 14, 2004
LJ Corliss
September 14, 2004
Dan Holm September 14, 2004
Congratulations, Roger!! Outstanding image! Good luck with this! #779813
Ellen Peach
September 14, 2004
Dan Holm September 15, 2004
Well I guess you didn't need much luck, your talent spoke for itself! CONGRATULATIONS on your WIN, Roger!! #781514Murry Grigsby September 15, 2004
Congrats on your win Roger! #782384Deborah Sandidge September 15, 2004
Great work, congratulations on your win Roger!!! #782464
Susan T. Evans
September 15, 2004
Wendy M. Amdahl
September 15, 2004
Donna J. Taff September 15, 2004
Congratulation's, Roger!!!!!!! #783891Debra Booth September 16, 2004
Congratulations, Roger!! This is just super!! #784454Sherry J. Kunde September 16, 2004
Great job Roger! #784904
Kelly Abernathy
September 16, 2004
Kelly Abernathy
September 16, 2004
Susana Matos September 26, 2004
Congratulations, this is pure magic!!!!!!!! I love it!Mary Timman September 26, 2005
This is wonderful! I love how you did this and you would have never known you added the moon. Perfect for Halloween. Also perfect in every thing you did! I love it. Guess I need to learn this for my barns.Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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