The Reveal
Uploaded: September 28, 2007 23:56:20
Lensbaby 2 with macro diopter, f/2.
Su Sana E. P
September 29, 2007
Pat Gamwell September 29, 2007
Gracious me, Cora! Every image you touch turns to breathtaking beauty! SUPERB! #4859726Anna Diederich September 29, 2007
Very beautiful Cora! So soft and delicate! #4859784Carla Metzler September 29, 2007
Cora, this is so beautiful! #4860052
William C. Raco
September 29, 2007
Bill #4860367
Cheryl E. Molennor September 29, 2007
Just beautiful I agree with SuSana. Looks like a winner! #4862111
Cora Miller
September 29, 2007
Tamera S. Phillips October 24, 2007
Congrats on this awesome Finalist! #4974226Carol Teal October 24, 2007
So soft and beautiful! Congrats on your finalist! #4975612Cesar J. La Rosa October 24, 2007
Big Congratulations on this BEAUTIFUL Finalist, Cora!!!
Sherry Karr Adkins
October 24, 2007
Murry Grigsby October 25, 2007
I'm not a big LensBaby fan but this image is wonderful Cora! I love the softness of focus and colors. Congrats on your beautiful finalist!! #4977942Cheryl E. Molennor October 25, 2007
Congratulations! Well deserved #4977948Donna W. Neal October 25, 2007
Congratulations on a well deserved Finalist Cora #4978343Monika Sapek October 25, 2007
Many congratulations on your lovely finalist, Cora!Jenny Bosmans October 25, 2007
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Cora! :) #4979158Cyn Valentine October 25, 2007
Congratulations Cora!! #4979164
Terry L. Ellis
October 25, 2007
Donna W. Neal October 25, 2007
Cora, Congratulations on a well deserved finalist and good luck in the next round #4980285
Jeff Robinson
October 25, 2007
Carla Metzler October 25, 2007
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Cora! #4982231Teri Soares October 28, 2007
This is a beauty! You've really put your lensbaby to good use. I have one, so I know how much skill was required to achieve this great capture. Congrats on your recognition as a Finalist.Teri #4993235
Robert Baer October 28, 2007
wonderful, creative image. #4995033
Cora Miller
November 09, 2007
Watch out Murry, the Lensbaby may win you over yet! ;) #5052012
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