Looking Back
Uploaded: July 26, 2004 14:03:34
Slightly different version of the Labrador Pendulum photo entered last year
Susana Ms Heide July 26, 2004
Definitely an eye catcher! Interesting composition! Great sharp focus! Cute dog! #151682Cathy Barrows July 26, 2004
cute dog...great shot #670786Leanne M.E. Boyd July 26, 2004
Very cute!!!!! #671229Kristen McKain July 27, 2004
Well done! #671569
Claudia Kuhn
July 27, 2004
lyn winans July 27, 2004
Wonderful looking friend, nicely captured ! #672811Tim Chong July 27, 2004
Thank you Susana, Cathy, Leanne, Kristen, Claudia, and Lyn. Your comments are always greatly appreciated and it's nice to see some familiar names after a 'sabbatical.'Looking forward to see all of your photos.
Tim Chong #672823
Isabel L August 13, 2004
Awww adorable shot Tim!! I really like the look on his/her face. Congrats on this!!!! #706724
Claudia Kuhn
August 14, 2004
Wendy M. Amdahl
August 14, 2004
Cathy Barrows August 14, 2004
Congrats!...love it #709719
Ellen Peach
August 14, 2004
Susana Matos August 15, 2004
Congratulations! great!
Mette Vendelboe Allison
August 21, 2004
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