Uploaded: September 26, 2007 17:53:16
Another song lyrics idea -- run, run - runaway.........
Finalist BetterPhoto.Com Sept 07
Jennifer L. Alder September 28, 2007
GREAT pov, color and effect, Judy!Cassie L. Woodlee October 02, 2007
Awesome portrait, color and effects Judy!!!! #4875144JO ANN CLEVELAND October 02, 2007
Ohhhh, I love it!jo ann c. #4875448
Ken Smith
October 04, 2007
Arlene Krassner October 04, 2007
Well done Judy. #4883349
Linda D. Lester
October 04, 2007
Gary Lange October 12, 2007
Very excellent effects, Judy!! #4916255"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar October 22, 2007
excellent treatment of this wondefully composed image,judy! #4963839Carol Teal October 24, 2007
Great MT entry and congrats on your finalist Judy! #4975644Katarina Mansson October 25, 2007
Congrats Judy! #4976929Kathy L. Clark October 25, 2007
WAHOOOO Judy. Congrats on this really cool finalist. I bet we see it again. #4977901Carla Metzler October 25, 2007
Congratulations on your finalist, Judy! #4978046Shawn Jennings October 25, 2007
Congratulations on your finalist, Judy! #4978181
Terry L. Ellis
October 25, 2007
Gary Lange October 25, 2007
I knew this would be a finalist!!! Many congrats Judy!! Good luck in the next round! #4979997JO ANN CLEVELAND October 25, 2007
Congratulations on your finalist!I love this effect, just been working on one myself!
this is definitely a winner!
jo ann c. #4982963
Linda D. Lester
October 26, 2007
Sharon F. Morris
October 26, 2007
Cassie L. Woodlee October 27, 2007
Congratulations, Judy!!!! #4990306
Nikki McDonald
October 27, 2007
Linda Blair October 27, 2007
Great one..Congrats!!!!!!! ☺ #4991998Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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