Please Write!

© Kathy L. Schneider

Please Write!

Uploaded: September 27, 2002 15:24:11


Oly E-20


Damian P. Gadal September 27, 2002

Very nice... I like the colours, texture and composition. #9908

Stephanie Adams September 27, 2002

Nice and simple. I like it as well. #15988

Kathy L. Schneider September 30, 2002

Thank you so much Stepahnie and Damian, I love to find still life rather than create it...and this was a terrific "find"! I'm glad you liked it! #16202

Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

Congrats on making finalist with this one,Kathy!! You know I love this!! Enjoy your win!! woo hoo! #17709

Stephanie Adams May 26, 2019

Congrats!! Well done! #17792

Ryan P. Booth May 26, 2019

Great shot...i really love the tone you have captured/ the way, how do you like that E-20? I saving up for it worth it? (i might be eating ramen noodles for awhile...) Congratulations on a cool shot. keep up the good work.

Ryan #17862

Piper Lehman May 26, 2019

Hey! Congrats on a great shot. Love this one. #17985

Kathy L. Schneider May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Dolores, Stephanie, Ryan and Piper! You are all so kind to take the time to acknowledge my finalist win with "Please Write"! I guess you we're following the captions directions! :-)
You made my day!
Ryan, I think Ramen noodles are a small price to pay! Lol!
You will love this camera if you know how to use Photo Shop, because the photos taken with the E-20 do need some
levels correction to bring the colors out. If you haven't bought a digital yet...once you try it you will have to let that SLR gather dust once again!
E-mail me if you want more info on the E-20! #17992

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